
The problem is that it’s impossible to know how kids like that will turn out until they, well, turn out that way. When I was growing up my sister was terrifyingly violent toward me (including attacking me with weapons), was a pathological liar, and showed little ability to experience empathy or guilt. She was like

No. I don’t think anyone was close to him. He was apparently just a really scary guy. And obviously mentally ill, but his parents wouldn’t do anything about it and they were the only one’s who could until he did something obviously illegal or threatening. I think everyone hoped he would start small with the illegal

I mean, so long as they keep stuffing the sexual offender registry with people who urinated in public, dangerous offenders are going to keep having some level of plausible deniability as to why they’re on there.

A friend of mine grew up with a guy who killed/dismembered two of his neighbors with an axe, and it was a similar situation. No “but he was such a quiet boy.” Every interview with people from the community said some variation of “everyone knew something like this was coming eventually, but unfortunately no one could

That would be awkward going through your friend’s house and having to list all of the things you don’t like about it knowing you aren’t going to pick it.

I lived in the UK in 2002 or so and their Big Brother at the time was wonderfully, compellingly dull. I’m sure it’s not like that anymore. But there was very little manufactured drama, no alliances and back-stabbing. It was just a bunch of slightly odd people who didn’t know one another, locked in a house together.

I think I would definitely be too much of a pragmatic wet-blanket for those types of shows. Instead of “close to the beach,” “a jacuzzi” and “walk-in closets” it would be “BSTrainer’s musts include ‘structurally sound,’ ‘no aesbestos,’ ‘adequate parking,’ and ‘in a neighbourhood with a lot of quiet, old people.’” Not

If it makes you feel better, houses like that are barely better than sound stages and start falling apart within weeks of being occupied.

Those shows made so much more sense to me when I learned the house-hunt is faked and the people already own the home. Because - yeah - they rarely pick the best house, and they’re always finding these stupid reasons to turn down better options. Or, in cases where the house is just objectively unappealing, it seems

Isn’t Huma a not-secret Muslim? Or is that the joke, and I’m being too literal today. I am surprised he seems to have never brought that up, since other people’s religions and ethnicity’s seem open game for him.

And so fucking transparent. I don’t get how Republicans think they’re these smooth political operators. They remind me of my 4 year old nephew when he thinks he’s being really slick and sneaky and doing stuff behind the adults’ backs and he’s just so damn clumsy and obvious we can’t be bothered to stop him.

From everything I’ve read and seen, I’ve always assumed the divorce was Maples wanting to protect Tiffany by getting her away from Trump. She knew who she was marrying, obviously, but he seemed particularly odious re: parenting with Tiffany. There is that interview clip where he speculates as to whether infant Tiffany

Worse - Canada. It is habit, but she does it to save money, and obviously knows her house is too cold when she has to wrap herself in blankets her guests don’t have access to so she’s not shuddering with cold. My partner’s parents turn the heat off entirely at night which is... something. Last time we stayed there in

My sister was incredibly violent toward me when I was growing up, so I tend to be extremely cautious about calling her on her shit. My parents as well. We just kind of bite our tongues to keep the peace.

The best explanation I can find for what is going on with Melania’s eyes is that she had too many fillers inserted under the eye to try to flatten it out, which means she can now barely open her eyes.

Yup. Last year everyone left her Christmas party with their feet literally aching from cold. My sister, somehow oblivious to the fact that it was insanely rude, had just wrapped herself up in a blanket on the couch when it got cold. This year she’s trying to move our family Christmas dinner to her house. And we’re

Oh no! I am sure you’re a great mom. Probably they just don’t have re-takes anymore because with digital photos they take like five to avoid the eyes closed problems with one-take film shots. But it doesn’t do anything for the kids with black eyes and cuts. We never got our school photos - my parents thought they were

Ryan Gosling is actually a good actor, it’s just he rarely ends up in roles that get him to do much any more. Watch The Believer. It was his first starring role, only five years after he was a Mouseketeer on Disney. If anything he’s a victim of the Notebook hype (which I admittedly haven’t watched because it looks

Yes, well she rented a super well-insulated brand new townhouse and was too cheap to heat it, and this summer she and her husband bought a barely-insulated 100 year old house and I can’t even imagine how cold it is going to be this winter. Like, I assume it’ll take a pipe bursting for them to realize they’re not going

That’s interesting. I grew up in a trailer park and there were lots of ladies who were perpetually “dressed” in bathrobes. So I do not associate them with rich people.