
I don’t understand why websites are moving toward auto-play videos because they gotta realize a lot of their traffic is coming from people goofing off at work, or otherwise doing something where they are not supposed to be watching videos. Even when people are surfing the internet on their own time, they don’t

That’s possible. I was bullied a lot as a kid. A quick perusal of Facebook indicates that, like me, friends who were really bullied tend to not have any kids, while every single person who bullied me does. One of them has 6 kids.

It’s not that it was “technically legal.” It was legal in that she didn’t do anything illegal. The reason private email servers are not standard operating procedure is that they leave things sufficiently open that illegal activity could easily happen. Bureaucracy exists to protect the state from things like that. But,

You can’t buy class. You can buy the services of a stylist, of course, but this seems like a family too stubborn to realize the need for that.

I’ve always wondered why the two boys are always making that face. Were they taught how to make a “serious face” at some point in their lives? Is that just naturally what their face does? It makes them look simultaneously petulant-as-fuck and desperately unhappy.

He cleared her of criminal wrongdoing. No one is pretending that using a private email server was a) standard operating procedure or b) a smart idea. But that still doesn’t mean it warrants criminal charges. My sister has a bizarre tendency to undercook all of her baked goods so they are gummy and fall apart. Is this

The demanding the reasons why is sales training 101 where they teach you to never take no for an answer. They say no, you demand to know why so that you can endlessly offer rebuttals and hopefully eventually wear them down into resignedly saying yes so that you will shut up. Not exactly the best start to a

Also they’ve been working full-time since they were infants and probably didn’t have much of a childhood, while many millennials and even Gen-Xers are in a state of extended/perpetual childhoods for a variety of reasons (including lack of economic opportunity). It’s entirely possible they have a difficult time

Toward the end of the show, one of the things I found most interesting was the implied parallel between amoral AI and sociopath Shaw - the questions about whether or not morality can be taught to a blank slate, or there needs to be some pre-exisiting moral base to build upon. The question of nature/nuture

Nice. I’m pretty sure I was a lumberjack more than once. I was a pragmatic child. Also too rough to pull off princess. My parents tried when I was two - had a lovely costume ready. I had a series of accidents (I was an unstoppable climber) that left me with two black eyes - one fresh and one nearly healed, a fat lip

They’re all so cute. I grew up in Canada, so our costumes always had to be a lot warmer than those - no short sleeves, nor were bare legs/stomachs possible. Occasionally they had to be able to fit over a snow suit when it was unseasonably cold.

Why did they feel the need to publicly announce that fact before they discovered whether or not they are relevant? This seems weirdly politically motivated.

How does “free speech” include holding up gory photographs of medical waste on a public street across from a school? Is that actually considered free speech in the US? That’s fucked up.

Some American anti-choice protesters showed up in my hometown with those signs and the city council were called in for an emergency session to make a by-law against the public display of graphic images. They threatened to arrest them, and they moved on elsewhere. Problem solved within a couple of hours.  

When some American protesters showed up at the clinic in my hometown behaving aggressively, with horrifying and graphic signs, the city council held an emergency session tightening up the laws on blocking a public right-of-way, and outlawed the public display of graphic and upsetting materials. And then they

Since Roe v Wade has proven inconveniently durable, the new approach to outlawing abortion is to make nuisance laws targeting service providers to try to make it impossible for women to secure a legal abortion. So really what they’re doing is trying to find conditions that as many abortion clinics as possible share,

They were going to do that regardless

I think there are a lot of women who are just raised that way. From the time they’re small, they’re told that their main goal in life is to find a husband who can take care of them. And I guess if that’s the main standard, you might as well excel at it and get someone who has a lot of money. For women who were

There is one particular photo that keeps floating around of Ivanka and Donald, where she looks about 8 or 9 years old, and her hair is already bleached blonde, and she’s wearing this slightly slinky outfit. It always creeps me out even more than the one of Ivanka on his lap because the hair-bleaching strikes me as

She was born and raised in Yugoslavia when it was a soviet state. She started dating Trump in the 90s. This was after the wall fell and all of the soviet states were in economic and political disarray. Yugoslavia messily split into 6 different countries, in conflicts that included genocide (remember Milosevic?). She