
I don’t think Hope Hicks understands what “the gold standard” means. Or “ardent philanthropist,” while we’re at it.

I love that. The debate topics were announced far in advance. Anyone with half a brain could have extrapolated from that and known what all of the debate questions would be beforehand, and prepared for them. I used to have a study partner during my undergrad who, though sweet, was a complete and utter moron. He always

Same guy who tripled the rent for his campaign office in Trump tower the moment the money started coming from donations, despite no increase in staff size.

Also, at this point do you think any writer in their right mind thinks they’re actually going to get paid for doing work for the Trump campaign?

You can tell she’s good-natured and funny by her reactions to Trump. Most people would get seething, swearing, chair flipping angry with the hateful, batshit things he says. And while she clearly gets pissed off with him, as any human being would, you can tell that a third of the time at the debates she’s working very

I’m of the unpopular opinion that there is something wrong with his mind beyond narcissism, and it’s entirely possible he does not remember saying those things. Because he does seem genuinely confused/surprised when people directly quote his own recent comments. And he’s definitely not that good of an actor. For a

Precisely. If he’d been able to give some sort of apology that was a soft admission/acknowledgment of his behaviour I suspect these women would not have felt the need to put themselves out there and come forward. For example, if he’d claimed something like, “I made those comments and although it’s only been 11 years

I always assumed it was some sort of moronic oversight rather than intentional racism, so I was totally confused as to how that would pass through all of the different levels of DQ corporate with NO ONE realizing it looks racist as hell and stopping it. I’d never considered the possibility it was an intentional play

This is the craziest thing about anti-abortion people’s insane stance on late-term abortions. Literally no one is getting a late term abortion on a whim, if only because there are so few providers that they’re prioritizing people who will likely die if they carry the pregnancy full-term. Opposing late-term abortion is

Yeah, as someone who has been violently grabbed by the hair/head, and had guys fetishize my intelligence as if it’s somehow surprising and amusing that I’m both smart AND a woman, I vote a big NOPE on these stupid hats. How about a hat that says “Grab women by the nothing. Treat them like human beings”?

This is what got me - there are a couple of cases where it was just a random encounter (the Mother’s Day brunch, the airplane), but most of those cases are people where there is overwhelming evidence that he did meet/know. One was a reporter who covered him for over a year, there are contestants from his pageant,

I think he does believe it. He is a bona fide moron. And I’m not just saying that for ideological reasons. Irrespective of his political beliefs - even for the majority of his life when he was a Democrat - I just don’t think his brain works properly.

He says bigly, which - I looked it up - is apparently technically a real word, although not one that anyone but Trump uses. Then his surrogates/children claim he’s saying “big league” when it’s abundantly clear he is not.

I had a friend about 15 years ago who would jokingly call herself a mulatto to make people uncomfortable. We were living in a bush camp when the census people came out to enumerate us and when they asked her ethnicity she kept telling them to write down mulatto, and they would look super nervous and say, “no. I’m not

AAAAHHH!!! So it’s not just me. I remember when I saw the sign at Dairy Queen advertising a mocha Moolatte and I just... “Dude. No. You can’t do that. People are going to talk.” But then seemingly no one else had the same reaction and I was at the point I was starting to wonder if the existence of the moolatte was

Hard to say. My aunt hinted to me that that half-brother was the “tip of the iceberg” (ie. I have zero idea how many aunts and uncles I actually have). They knew their dad was a serial philanderer and abuser, so I don’t think they held it against their half siblings given they’d had just as little control over who

I am Canadian. And thanks for upholding the stereotype that we’re humourless and way too impressed with ourselves.

Malik sounds a lot like when my dad and his siblings discovered they had a half brother from their estranged father. They met him, made an effort, discovered he was just like their dad they were estranged from for good reason, and decided they had enough siblings already. Bye bye extraneous sort-of sibling!

Death by a thousand cuts. If there is any detail of a story about Trump groping a woman they think they can call into question, they’ll do it to try to make the entire story seem less credible. The original story said “I ran into Melania” not “a friend and I ran into Melania.” So they decide to threaten a lawsuit

Actually, they started the process of standardizing and centralizing their baking (ie. having everything prepared off-site versus on) long before Burger King bought them. I have no idea if things have worsened since the buyout because I stopped going there years ago. I’m to the point I’d prefer getting drinks and