
I commented on an article here about how bizarre it is that he’s regularly up tweeting at 2 and 3 am and someone replied that’s perfectly normal for a 70 year old because they get up to go to the bathroom and can’t get back to sleep and most 70 year olds only sleep 2 or 3 hours at a time. I didn’t engage, but I wanted

Under his proposed tax plan many businesses probably wouldn’t bother with the hassle and risk of establishing offshore tax shelters because they could pay so little tax routing all income through pass-through entities.

I’ve never in my life heard anyone say it’s the right of every person to avoid paying taxes. Even if that is a saying, I’m willing to bet whoever coined it was referring to the right for people to claim tax breaks they are entitled to - as in still respecting the spirit of tax laws, and not creating shell corporation

As described, his entire tax plan is designed so that rich folks like Trump can eliminate the remaining pesky taxes they haven’t yet been able to get out of paying. So, yeah, obviously he pays as little tax as possible, and probably a little less than that, even.

Just as soon as someone donates five mil to the Trump Foundation so he has something to donate, obvs. Don’t you understand how charitable donations work?


I don’t understand people like that. If you’re about to do something you know is completely and utterly socially unacceptable, wouldn’t that cause most people to take pause and consider whether they should actually do the thing they’re about to do? If you know everyone will think you’re a monstrous, racist idiot for

Not disagreeing with you, although noting this happened in Canada, which I don’t think is as anti-intellectual, where our teachers are paid more, and we have significantly more people with post-secondary educations.

We sometimes get some snow in the air in the summer, but not enough to “trudge” through - it typically melts the second it touches the ground. Even that is uncommon - you’re more likely to get hail in the summer than snow. I know people who live in the arctic (like places where they have to wait until the ice roads

I wouldn’t have clicked on this if I’d known it was Fallon. I was able to tolerate his I’m-my-own-biggest-fan-and-constantly-laugh-at-my-own-jokes schtick up until the Trump hair tousling thing. Then - nope. Don’t humanize that guy, don’t enable him, don’t give him even more free media coverage where he isn’t taken to

I meant homeschooling myself. Definitely not the “I homeschool my children to protect them from logic and science” people.

I took a few classes in the education department during my undergrad and if anything will ever convince you of the merits of homeschooling... I mean, I know #notallteachers etc. but a full 75% of the people in that program were straight-up dumb people. I took one class fall of 2001 and on September 12 they had a class

Likely it didn’t happen because her parents were smart enough to vaccinate her.

That was cathartic.

“You wanna roll the dice? Fine. Go drive without a seatbelt. But don’t put the entire world at risk because you are having a temper tantrum.”

Actually what part of the province he’s actually from. Which is essentially the Texas of Canada.


A little unfair to Calgary. He seems more Edmontonian. Or, lets be real, from one of those weird northern Alberta towns where everybody is white and drives a pick-up truck and thinks Alberta should separate from Canada.

Very good points. But, yeah, part of privilege is that we get to be blind to the full extent of that privilege and how blind we are to it.

She identifies as rich above all else, so that stuff is drowned out by his tax proposals, all of which would essentially equal rich people not paying any taxes whatsoever.