Drederick Tatum

yep, sounds ‘off’ to me. the guy sent his s4 to a performance shop for ‘upgrades’, of which there are few trustworthy shops anymore. he’s obviously an enthusiast of some degree, which means he knows other enthusiasts.

I’m guessing they didn’t expect the customer to call the local news station? They’re idiots.

This is seriously bad business for them. They may get out of fixing this car, but what good will that do if they enrage their customer base and go bankrupt if customers decide to take their business elsewhere? I hope it was worth it.

Your making brand assumptions about his actual ability to play at a high level.  leading them to the playoffs?  highly, highly doubtful.  They’d be better off bringing RGIII back

Last night, while wandering the lands in RDR2, I stumbled upon an escaped prisoner who wanted my help. I didn’t trust him, so I lasso’d him and hogtied him. He laid there, obviously upset at my betrayal. But I also sat there thinking, “err...what next?” There was no sidequest update on my screen, nor any new blip on

Same! It’s why games like Dark Souls have become so popular as well, I think. 

This is my biggest complaint, Red Dead 2 comes off as an actual open world, most Ubisoft games just feel like giant maps full of various check lists. There’s lots of stuff to do, but almost zero mystery behind it, it’s all VERY clearly labeled.

Besides putting words in his mouth, you clearly have a problem with this game and don’t really care to understand anything about it.

I’ve seen complaints that the button-mapping for interacting with objects is very inconsistent? I’d consider that a broken control scheme, if you have to continually refer to prompts to know what button does what in each specific instance.

That the fundamental control mechanics are bad, broke or impossible to really work with.

i love this kind of open world - honestly the ‘aggressively helpful’ style of ubisoft’s open world games after far cry 2 has turned me off and i can’t even get into them... it’s all too predictable, really.

This is an odd criticism for this game considering nearly every open world does this, and frankly RDR2 does it better than just about anyone else.

You can say this about NPCs from any open world game, though. I’m not sure why the NPCs in RDR2 would be any more off-putting than an Assassin’s Creed, GTA, Watch Dogs, Sleeping Dogs, etc. We’re still a long way off from Star Trek holodeck realism in character behavior

Looks like easy pickings to me.

In your mouth? Yuk!

You’ve gotta dig deep for puns like this.

That snot real.

I mean, I didn’t say people were forbidden from doing what you suggest.

Counterpoint, if you always wanted to see the end of the game but can’t deal with the difficulty and have no friends to play through, totally take part in this event regardless of you’ve finished it alone. While I agree it trivializes the game, the content is cool and deserves to be seen, even if it's just in a co-op

Definitely worth your time to run through the game solo if this is your first time playing it.