Drederick Tatum

Because ICBM flight time is common knowledge in this post-coldwar era we live in, right?

The correct way to do this would have been to show up as a vault salesman a few days before.

every teenage boy has a punchable face.  and they all smirk.  or at least look like they’re smirking (usually b/c they are).  

There would never have been a report at all in that scenario. The media will never, ever, present black people as racist.

There were no winners in that video, but the conscious attempts by people on the left to crucify these kids without making proper reference to everything that led up to it, show their biases, not the kids.

Money doesnt have an opinon...
These #metoo people don’t understand that money moves everything, not political correctness.
If he really sucked, he wouldnt be selling out shows 3 nights in a row. 


Wow, Disney’s deal with EA sure seems to be paying out nicely for them.

Just as a disclaimer: I’ve never driven an 86 (but i really want to) but my past car was a Fit 5MT and (after getting my Yacht licence) I have an NC Miata 6MT, but what happened to slow car fast?

That’s it, this car needs a more fitting name as “Supra” no longer fits. Suggestions to follow:

Man, the new Supra’s look is so “angle-dependent.” Some pictures make it look bulbous and ugly, but from others it looks pretty nice. I suspect that the car will actually be pretty cool looking in person. I still prefer the 86, but the Supra definitely looks meaner from some angles.

Yea we aren’t getting that engine. It would be nice as it would probably bring the price down into the high 30s, low 40s. But that’s wishful thinking. 

What fucking privilege? The one that allows me to not click on articles about him or the one that allows me to leave a venue if he’s there performing?

If he bothers you that much, which he clearly does, why do you continually subject yourself to him? 

But beside the title of Super Bowl hero, upcoming huge contract, amazing story of being talked out of retirement and reaching the top, and reportedly a monster cock, what does Nick Foles have the rest of us don’t already?

Hey, they were both in on this shit together though so she is not completely blameless.  If she didn’t accept the invite from the team then it would have been all gravy but she just couldn’t resist.

who was forced to? He asked. We can discuss how that’s still unprofessional and/or disgusting, but not a single woman was “forced” to watch him do anything

Just out of curiosity, is it now considered comedy to essentially have your whole act revolve around beefs with other people? Because that just seems like bitching about things where the person doing the bitching is the main problem.

It was a plastic sword.

I’m not promoting one point of view over another here - this is not the point of my comment. I simply want to point out that it seems as though everyone is afraid of differing ideas, thoughts, and points of view. If it’s not what you like, it’s “violent”, “dangerous”, or “hateful”... it MUST be banned, burned, torn

You really nailed that Mormon