Drederick Tatum

I get weird spam friend requests on mine sometimes.

That’s forking awesome.

My white ancestors had nothing to do with slavery in America, they immigrated here legally from a place that hadn’t seen slavery since the middle ages. Also white privilege in 2018 is a myth, there is no institutionalized racism working against PoC and hasn’t been for over half a century.

The big ticket item of the alt-right is an ethno-state and the coerced or forced removal of primarily *my* race. Shapiro is not for that.

I believe the approach taken by so-called “SJWs” to try to get people of white ethnicity to understand their inherent privileges in society is approached the wrong way (although the premise is largely factually correct).

People are using the internet to spread their views and gain followers. Hard hitting report. 

So the SJW movement created a counter movement? What Surprise that is!

You’re right I’m not running around blaming white people for everything I must be a Nazi.

Well, it appears Tim never even spoke to Blonde despite having segments on the same podcast. That’s the association? It’s true that any fool can post anything online, and that includes “studies” that look, sound, feel, and *smell* academic but are still packed with errors. But your instinct is to fact-check the

We really need a landmark libel settlement to prevent these people from insinuating things like Ben Shapiro or SomeBlackGuy being even indirectly related to the alt-right.

I love watching Steven Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Jordan Peterson, Milo Yiannopoulos and Joe Rogan absolutely destroy SJW’s. Watching intelligent people just completely shut down brainwashed morons in debates/conversations is extremely satisfying. I sit in the middle of the political spectrum and I lean left and right on

Cat wizard, im not really sure why your replying like that. My post has nothing in it that suggests i identify with the far right. I specifically say that is is “not exactly an attractive place for me”
If you really believe i identify with the far right and that im simply trying to throw kotakus argument back in their

What are you talking about? Google has been praising Democrat. Youtube promotes librals SJWs like buzzed, vox, mtv on trending, and youtube has been putting more adds on libral videos even if the feminists in the video says, "i want to kill all man." Youtube was created for content creators not for political purposes.

A lot of people have, understandably, been focusing on the network graph I included in the report. But that graph, while illustrative, is not actually the point of the report.

I rarely get annoyed by Kotaku. Io9 has it’s ‘’you’re pushing it, guys’’ kind of days sometimes but really, I feel like neither are remotely close to Polygon in levels of outcry. I have trouble reading 2 articles in a row on Polygon without feeling like I’m being preached to. I’m like to think I’m a pretty open guy

No, it’s not. There is such a thing as sharing the space and working together with equal representation and resources.

They were each distinct subcultures but they had the common thread of being anti-feminist

I would suggest that the far left fueled the anti social justice movement to be honest. YouTube simply gave it a platform. Suggesting YouTube is the problem is no better than putting your head in the sand and not accepting any personal responsibility.

A lot of youtubers are taking exception to the graph because a lot of the connections are misrepresented or outright fabricated. It should also come as little surprise that a bunch of people who identify as liberals or democrats would take exception to being labeled “far-right” and “white-nationalist” in an academic

Oh great, propaganda on Kotaku again. Just what we didn’t really need or want.