There used to be a cartoonist who would illustrate people’s dreams that they submitted. It was great stuff! But I don’t think it’s still happening.
There used to be a cartoonist who would illustrate people’s dreams that they submitted. It was great stuff! But I don’t think it’s still happening.
Certainly some of those are bad neighbors, but I’m not sure what the issue is with rabbits unless you just hate nature. Their droppings are really good for the soil. Also possums eat palmetto bugs.
that would be the hard part for me. I feel as though it’s pointless to write it down unless I can make it make sense; even if its just some semblance of sense. I’m a fictional writer, so even in my dream state, I think sometimes I’m in between light and REM sleep where I can’t 100% control everything but I am aware…
I’ve tried to keep a dream journal, but even when I remember my dreams, I can never start from the beginning. I do an ok job of remembering what was happening just before I woke up, but I lose everything quickly trying to backwards from there.
much better advise than me yelling DON’T TOUCH ME at anyone that gets close...although it is funny when it makes old people pee
If you’re interested, there’s a form for reporting injuries caused by EOs: with an aromatherapy agency. They’re trying to collect data to promote regulation and promotion of responsible use of essential oils in the US.
Many people do. I get strange looks when I point out that aspirin started out as willowbark tea, so maybe lay off the judging of herbs as drugs, eh? My dream is evidence-based “alternative” medicine, but it seems a pipe dream, especially with FDA refusal to regulate supplements.
Learning to lucid dream has had the lovely side-effect of essentially rendering nightmares completely mundane for me. They can’t scare me anymore because anytime anything unnatural happens, it will automatically trigger the dream becoming lucid because I recognize it isn’t real.
Fresh pineapple gives me tongue blisters and I’ve recently (at 43!) developed a walnut allergy, though the warning signs were there for the last couple of years. Tingly mouth is just the first step in losing your favorite foods :(
I had one night where my mind was apparently just deadset on giving me a nightmare, despite me being lucid. It tried pulling the “woke up in bed” thing to make it seem real, and it seemed fine until I went to turn on the light and... nothing happened. Lamp didn’t work, ceiling fan didn’t work, phone didn’t work...…
The mild breathing issues are probably a result of a histamine sensitivity. His body doesn’t effectively break it down, so he experiences inflammation in his lungs, which restricts his breathing. He may experience this same issue with other produce that’s naturally high in histamines.
Men sure are emotional and irrational lately. I think we need to stop letting them make statements, run things, and read the news until we can get a handle on what’s happening.
Wait what?
I know... I try to be an advocate/ally and speak about these things to other white people when there are no black people to speak for themselves and it just feels like punching a brick wall. Even if I get someone to concede a point I make there is always a “but” that they counter with to wash it away. If I get them…
I had just posted in another article about “article painting white murderers in a positive light” that my own take-away from the referenced article is that it tells people “look, even ‘normal’ people can be murderers”. Of course, my take-away is because I’m a logical person. I have to remind myself every single day…
The fact that you are even cognizant of our internal, ingrained biases is the greatest step forward. You’re not whining, I appreciate you sharing. Now that you are aware, you can retrain yourself and not stand for it when others display it around you. You don’t need racists and bigots as friends.
Don’t let this pathetic fuck troll you. Locomotive is by far the number one troll in all of the Kinjaverse. He never stops trolling, day in and out on his thousands of burners. He really hates when black people speak and I guess his new thing is going around spreading lies about the usual commenters here to discredit…
This poster is trolling you. Don’t engage
Beautiful writing, as usual. I’m at a loss for words, but I physically clapped after finishing your article.