Yeah, I don’t have any succulents right now, but when you look them up on the ASPCA website there’s several varieties that are pet safe. But now that you’ve told me that about aloe I’ll avoid that one!
Yeah, I don’t have any succulents right now, but when you look them up on the ASPCA website there’s several varieties that are pet safe. But now that you’ve told me that about aloe I’ll avoid that one!
ASPCA has a list of toxic/non-toxic plants. I always consult before buying anything. Lots of succulents, several daisies/asters, and orchids are definitely on the non-toxic lists. Weirdly my cat only tries to eat toxic plants. I had forced tulips and he was obsessed with they were given away. He’s never…
As it happens, this week I got my American citizenship. I’ve been a permanent resident since 2003. The only thing that made me change my mind about actually getting citizenship was Trump’s fuckery. It became evident that it doesn’t matter how ‘close’ to citizenship you are - it’s a binary field. Citizen or not. 1 or…
i want of these weird fuckers next. split rock succulents
hello fellow plant mom! for me it is because i grew up in a lush, green suburban area and now live in a city loft apartment but still crave green things. like a lot of millennials, i imagine.
I am trying my hand with cacti and succulents for the first time. It’s going middling to poorly so far, but I will persist. The ones I got from the nursery have such tiny little roots that even months after repotting them they don’t look like they are firmly anchored in the soil, which worries me. I also got a few…
Earlier in my life, I thought I could have plants and cats in my flat. Silly moi. Now I have three cats and no plants.
I need to add Open Culture to this list. They have reams of freebies from lists of free courses to lists of free lectures. I love them and Project Gutenberg to death. Note: Whilst free, they do appreciate donations.
Here is where you can contact Texas Governor Gregg Abbott to ask for her pardon.
Hello, also 35 yo. I heard we were Xers for a bit, but sociologists keep trying to lump us in with Millennials. I think that ultimately we’ll (people born 1980 to 87ish) be spalled off into a microgeneration. I mean, if a generation is defined as a peer group with shared childhood experiences then we stand apart from…
Y’know, if we all had access to bombs and bomb-making material this never would have happened because a good guy with a bomb can always stop a bad guy with a bomb.
1 At the end of [every] seven years thou shalt make a release.
To everyone reading this article who is touched by this project an wants to help: the fund is still open and you can make your contribution here:
The point is clear if you’re someone who doesn’t like the idea that you may be repeating words and phrases rooted in hate and inequality without realizing it and may be having a negative impact on others.
Well, we only know the people that we know. I also didn’t mean to imply that the temple divorce was easy to obtain, or that there is no risk of a loss of status. I thought I had stated the opposite-but maybe I wasn’t clear or misspoke.
Mormons can get a sanctioned divorce without any spiritual/religious drawbacks, if they jumps through the right hoops. I’ve certainly known divorced Mormon women who are still active and welcomed in their wards (i.e. congregations) but I’m sure there a high risk of losing social status and protection. Not to mention,…
Also, Mormon women remain “sealed” to their husband for all eternity. They can only have one husband, here or in the Celestial Kingdom. Men, of course, can have as many wives as they want in “heaven” - and even here on earth, if they remarry they may do so in the Mormon Church, and they are considered “sealed” to…
Don’t the missionary’s target you as well? I heard ex members or members that haven’t been to church are sent the kids to try to bring you back. Unless you’re actually excommunicated, right?