
One of my husband’s friends gave him some detox teas. No senna, but loads of diuretics and laxative herbs...

Honestly, I’ve tried that when I’ve been badly constipated...Stress causes my body to shut down, and I needed things to move along...

I just ranted in my own comment about this crap (hah). Idiots who promote ‘detox’ bullshittery makes the average herb enjoying person seem crazy. Herbs are amazing, they can taste good, they can make you feel good, and most of them, and many wild edibles like nettles and dandelions, are good for you.

Last year my husband was trying to quit drinking and smoking, and this total dipshit of a friend he had gave him all these detox teas. They didn’t have senna, they had other herbs to make you poop and pee.

I can understand that, and from what I’ve read about it, most villages eat the meat. They don’t waste it like poachers do.

Yeah when I realized where exactly ivory came from, my displeasure at seeing it overrode my desire to enjoy it.

Hell no. The only way I’d kill a deer is to eat it. I’ve eaten deer other people have killed. I have no issue with that. But to kill one just for the head/antlers? That’s a gross misuse of a life and resources.

I’ve never been tested for any kind of sleep disorders. The best I could figure with my half assed research is I have delayed sleep phase syndrome. My circadian rhythm is backwards. Instead of the night, I sleep during the day. On average, I sleep better at day, and feel better while awake at night.

It’s sooo pretty. I’ve seen and handled ivory pieces before, and it’s beautiful. Not all of it was elephant ivory, and I never bought any for myself or others. It has a unique feel to it.

I can dig this. I read a while back about a burn of stock pile ivory that was obtained legally, like an elephant died on a preserve and the folks who run the place sold it so they could get money for the place. It sucked they had to burn what they had, but I can see why that would be better than perpetuating the trade.

Is this really something folks with screwed up circadian rhythms should be doing?

I mean the extreme sides are not stable. Not crazy vegans who threaten people and not crazy carnivores who foam at the mouth because some people eat plants. Vegetarians are about the sanest out of the lot really in so far that they (typically) stay out of these arguments.

I hope y’all find a reason for those migraines! Poor baby. I’ve had migraines since I was 5 years old, and I know how much it can suck. No cause found for mine. I just shrug it off as genetic cuz my mom and grandmother have them too.

Just because you react to your environment doesn’t mean you have a sense of your own mortality.

You’re lucky.

I also kinda liked it...I think. It’s been a while...

Look man, I did a lot of drugs, ok?

I uh...used to watch it. I was born in 1987...

Seriously. My husband enjoys a totally bald vulva on occasion, and I don’t mind offering it up. He asks, or I’ll do it as a surprise. It’s fairly rare because omg the growing back in stage suuucks...but I enjoy that he loves it so much as a special thing.

I had my own issues that led me to feel that’s the only way I could get validation. I’ve learned since then.