I was reading something one day on men vs women fighting. Most people in the comments section said they’d rather fight a big burly man over a small woman any day.
I was reading something one day on men vs women fighting. Most people in the comments section said they’d rather fight a big burly man over a small woman any day.
I had some aloe plants and manage to kill them. I have a black thumb. The only plants I currently have growing are some catnip and cactus out in the back yard. I don’t mess with them except to occasionally pick parts. I gave up trying to tend to plants.
I’m getting into buying and maintaining decent outfits...You have magazines, I have my neighbor and husband...I’d rather learn from a magazine, but those two insist on directing what clothes I should get.
I want to add replacing the toilet. Shut off water, drain water, remove old toilet, clean up the hole, patch anything that needs it, put in new wax ring, install new toilet. More than 4 bucks, but still simpler than cleaning up an old, nasty broke one or risk falling through the floor cuz the floor is rotten.
Or drill their hands/fingers. I’ve never done that, but I’ve patched up people that have *coughmyhusbandcough*. It was only once, thank goodness. I wasn’t there to see him nail gun his hand, thank goodness.
Don’t count on cacti being easy plants...I had one for several years, and it stayed small, about a foot tall. I gave it to my grandmother, moved out for 6 months. When I came back, that damned cactus was 3 feet tall, had sprouted new bits and was over flowing it’s pot.
I’ve learned to make myself some (sorta) healthy munchies before I smoke up. Popcorn is nice, salt free potato chips are heaven, home made sweet biscuits or sugar cookie are delightful. Yeah they’re not the healthiest, but they’re loads better than the bags of Doritos or multiple cheap hamburgers I’ve been known to…
That’s how it starts...I started with 3. Just three, no biggie. One from a friend’s stray mama cat, one from Wal Mart, one stolen from an asshole ex boyfriend.
I used to have one that would play chase and hide and seek. And one that played peekaboo.
I’m glad I’m not the only one. Way before weed, I was leaving poured drinks in the kitchen, the milk in the cabinet, food on book cases (set down food, get book, walk off and forget food), and all kinds of stupid shit.
I’m glad I’m not the only one who uses the pet stuff in work outs.
For these folks, and others in the FLDS, you’re missing the religious factor. Women can’t get into Heaven without a husband, women aren’t allowed more than one husband (or anything on the side), procreation is heavily encouraged (if not forced), the ages of the wives don’t matter (so many very young women are forced…
I don’t care for Casablanca, so we’re good!
I don’t tell people what they can and can’t wear, and I get that not all white appearing people are all white, and hair textures vary a lot. I just it distasteful in looks and culture wise. I don’t go around saying shit to strangers about what they’re wearing. I only bring it stuff if the other person does or it comes…
It makes sense. I live in the South, so race and cultural issues are huge. Many white people here don’t bother to see why it’s an issue, and it’s so aggravating. They like dreads, so they wear dreads, no matter how it looks or who they might be harming.
That’s terrifying o.o
I’m speaking as someone from the US who sees white (as in not mixed) people with dreads. They don’t look good, at least to me. In my area it’s not about culture, or people celebrating, it’s just people taking fashions from various cultures because they’re cool.
My best friend in high school tried to get dreads. She’s half Cuban and half white, so she had some texture to her hair. Still didn’t look good in dreads...I told her as much, but she insisted because...something. I don’t know why.
No white person looks good in dreads. Our hair is way too slippery and fine for dreads to turn out nice. (Over all, I know hair textures can vary.)
My skin is stupid finicky. Most lotions dry it out, soaps of all kind leave it dry and flakey and itchy. Oh and what’s not dry is oily as hell.