Now I wonder how dense all the people who mispronounce my name are? It’s Lauren. Very white, very simple, very plain. Very easy to say. Say it just like the actress Lauren Bacall. No where close to being as unique as yours.
Now I wonder how dense all the people who mispronounce my name are? It’s Lauren. Very white, very simple, very plain. Very easy to say. Say it just like the actress Lauren Bacall. No where close to being as unique as yours.
That’s how I got started doing daily walks of at least 2 miles. I had to start small because I was taking my (old, fat) dog with me, and I couldn’t push her, and it was better for me because I was out of shape myself. No way could I just up and do a mile in one go. We started going up and down one street, then two,…
I live in an area where we get tornado threats during the summer, and possible hurricane issues. Having bug out bags (should we have to leave) and a closet full of emergency stuff is vital. Our closet has toiletries, blankets, and a rotating stock of food and pet supplies.
I kinda dig the one where they try women’s underwear.
Gotta love a man who’ll help with the girly crap we go through. My hubby buys pads for me if I need him to, he has no shame.
Period clots and a fire ant hill. Fire ants love biological matter (like blood and flesh), and will swarm on it to eat it.
My husband and I have the same criteria for adoption (if we ever do it). I think I’d be ok with handling mild mental issues, but he can’t. And that’s fine. Better to have a child we know we can both be ok with than one who’s at risk of being resented or not cared for by no fault of their own.
I think so! Though one lady in the comment section is from Colorado and loves banana and mayo.
Oh yeah, especially if you don’t go to church! I’m a married (that gives me some slack, being a good woman who married a man and all), non church going feminist and you’d think I spend my time eating babies and slaughtering little bunnies for all the shit I get by simply not caring about old white Southern men’s…
From personal experience, that’s what it seems to be. I’ve never met anyone my age that enjoys bananas and mayo.
We’re welcoming as long as you’re white and Christian! And preferably male!
Bwahaha...My husband had to learn that lesson, too. He wouldn’t listen to me...I do it, but I’m Mama Queen Cat, so they’ll back off. Hubby is Loud and Rough Litter Bringer, so they don’t respect him. I totally hiss at my cats sometimes to stop impending fights between them or get them off my notebook while I’m…
Sometimes it’s an accident. I’ve had some nasty scratches from cats getting startled while I’m holding them, or they’re just in a foul mood (and I have to move/hold them), or they’re just being playful.
I’ll keep that in mind, the bag thing. I know you’re not supposed to bury poop or dead things near water sources, and if you have a dedicated composting area (away from water sources), it’s fine to toss human and animal waste in it as long as you cure it properly (as in let it rot for a good while, the heat from the…
Egh, I wouldn’t. I imagine most folks could tell when it’s a dude being an asshole and when it’s a woman trying to express herself in the way she feels comfortable. Or maybe it’s just me. I’ve been told I’m too trusting and accepting of a lot of things.
Sweet. Welcome to the club! It’s not one many want to join, so fresh blood is always welcome!
You must be a reincarnated old Southern fart, lol.
If I use the logic of the idiots that support what this asshole did, I’m free to beat up all the men I come across that insult/trick/annoy me! Sweet. I know a few that deserve an ass kicking because they’re too stupid to be around other human beings.
Old Southern people...I’ve never seen anyone under the age of 60 and outside the South eat that crap.
Oh god then you’d need a birthing bug out bag...shouldn’t have gotten pregnant!