I completely agree, only my thoughts were much harsher than yours. I’ve had a c-section, and it’s not fun...She’s going to be cut into 3 different times for no reason.
I completely agree, only my thoughts were much harsher than yours. I’ve had a c-section, and it’s not fun...She’s going to be cut into 3 different times for no reason.
Most folks need hands to get around in life. If nothing else, it certainly makes life simpler, and makes you more able to have a job, do things you enjoy. I know some folks don’t have hands or limbs and they get along fine, but I imagine for the most part it’s much easier when you have limbs and hands.
The ‘normal’ Mormon church is fucking loony, these people need to be shot, or at least rounded up and dropped off on an island. Well, not the kids and women, they don’t have a choice about what’s happening to them. All those men should be gathered up, and given guns with one bullet each. And turn loose a bunch of wild…
For me personally, pot is the only thing that helps me get quality sleep. I’ve had life long sleeping issues, and tried pills, routines, everything. Routines don’t help, pills either don’t work or make me feel like crap the next day, and alcohol is just useless.
My son was put up for adoption, and I’d like to think that one day I’ll meet him. My husband (son’s father) and I both agreed that we’d let our son reach out to us. We’re not going to look for him, we’ll just update records with the social worker and keep the lines open.
I was ranting to my husband about something like this the other day. Then I said jokes on ‘them’, I make my own pads.
That’s great. My tubes are tied, so no worries for us...just annoyance for me. Before that we were both happy when I bled.
I gotta brag about my husband for a moment. He has no shame in buying pads if I need them, and doesn’t bat an eye at bloody underwear hanging out in the laundry basket (hooray leaks). He uses funny euphemisms sometimes because they’re just funny, but has no problem with saying or hearing ‘period’.
What do you do if you don’t like salt? My taste buds are apparently stupidly sensitive to salt...I don’t like salting anything, and most prepackaged and restaurant foods are too salty...I rarely salt my own food.
Don’t use a business that goes against your beliefs (like seating women next to men), don’t be part of a job that goes against your beliefs (like a Muslim man cutting a woman’s hair). Pretty simple. Avoid those situations.
As for the Pentecostals...that’s just fucking stupid.
For fucks sakes, quit making the rest of the South look stupid...I swear we’re not all like this. I’m all for folks studying their heritage and finding something in it to take pride in. The South as a whole needs to realize that we really shouldn’t be prideful about the fact that we treated our fellow human beings…
Pretty sure cats invented the internet so human can worship them better, lol.
My husband’s friend got him a Batman onesie for Christmas...it’s...form fitting. He has no shame in putting it on and hitting on me.
I remember asking this questions when I was a kid and learned about transplants (why can’t these people sick with X get organs from others sick with X?). My husband asked the same more recently regarding blood donation. So happy the laws have changed!
I want all the torties. After all my cats are gone, I’ll probably adopt a big litter or something. Wonder if I can get all torties?
OMG tortie!! Torties hold a special place in my heart. My first was a kitten no one wanted cuz she was ugly. That was my baby. Knew her name, would play chase, hide and seek. Sweet old woman. She passed away a couple of months ago.
I had one oldster my husband found. Poor guy was in the middle of a busy ass road. Someone had dumped him (and a bunch of other cats) out.
Bwahaha I’ve had some grumpy fucks. Love them to death. Currently I have two that are very much Mama’s babies.
I used to have a couple of cats that would constantly piss every where but the litter box. Nothing was wrong, they were just uppity like that. I loved the little shits to death. I felt guilty that I was glad I’d be able to have clean sheets for more than a day when they passed. I also felt guilty for being relieved I…
I’m a woman and I feel the same as you do about pregnancy...I would love to get my ovaries taken out and thrown away. Or given to someone else. Cysts hurt, and periods suck so much. Alas, menopause is a pain in the ass, and I’m not ready to go through it.