
My husband used to think period pain was nothing. Then he saw me walk around 30 minutes after my c-section surgery and not take pain meds for it during my recovery. That didn’t hurt so bad. I mean it fucking hurt, I just got gutted like a fish, but it wasn’t so bad that I needed pain meds or lay in bed all day. Hubby

From what I remember about reading about guns and suicide is that having a gun makes it so much easier. Pills take a bit, you can puke/stomach pumped, a rope, you gotta tie it, you get the drift.

It doesn’t take much at all. A 16 gauge shotgun is stupidly easy to fire.

You can Google the statistics. Gun fatalities in X year, or something similar. It can be broken down by accidental, crime, suicide, etc.

I get the whole ‘can’t return them for cash’. That makes total sense. It’s shitty people would do that.

On the other hand, why not institute a ‘receipt for returns’ policy? Most other stores do it.

Or donate them to a homeless shelter, a women’s shelter, animal shelter, some place that could always use spare blankets

I’ve come across that in my dumpster diving ventures. Found a pork roast once, had a small tear in the package. It was still cold, so I was all excited because I had dog food for a day or two! Picked it up and it was covered in fucking bleach. So was all the other bruised produced.

It’s not about being young or old, it’s about self awareness and maturity. You’re self are enough to realize that enjoying hearing about man getting castrated while crying about a woman getting forcefully sterilized is hypocritical at best, and disgusting and cold blooded at worst. You’re mature enough to go ‘hey,

The reason I’m all ‘who cares’ is because I read and hear about the male patients disliking pink, and how breast cancer treatments and care are geared towards women. First off, while being an annoying color, pink is still just a color. If you’re going to be upset about things being pink and frilly, you’re just a

I feel bad for laughing when I saw this was in NC because of course it is. We’re good at this shit.

I had the same reaction. Women have more breast tissue and get breast cancer more, so obviously things are going to be geared towards women. Men can get the fuck over it.

The one story I heard from a guy who raped someone almost matched these, until I pointed out what an asshole he was to these girls. He broke down crying and apologized to me for being such an asshole. He didn’t see it as anything more than ‘boys will be boys’, and it took a long talk for him to realize that no, you’re

I’m all for giving blood, especially to local blood banks. I donate to one that keeps all the blood in the Carolinas. For one, it makes me feel better knowing it’s going directly to help people, for another, it takes some of the burden off other banks to give blood to us.

Depends on the cat. I’ve had a few that, from the time they were kittens, were so lazy and chill that I could go on a car ride with them and pass them around a group of strangers and they’d purr their ass off and enjoy the snuggles.

‘Spraying people down on the sidewalks’ gave me the funniest mental image ever. Thank you.

I’ve been hanging around too many men for too long. They’re evil ways have influenced me. I only clicked on this because I saw ass.

Great article. I love the ‘eat them’ line. My former best friend and I (both fat girls) have said the same about people who piss us off. Not many things funnier than growling ‘C’mere boy, I’m hungry’ at some snot nosed little shit and watching him scamper away.

Pot. You’re thinking of pot. It’s pain relieving qualities vary from person to person, obviously, but even if you smoke a couple of joints a day or eat a couple of edibles a day, that’s got to be better for you than liver and kidney destroying pills.

I’ve seen a man who was on morphine pills, along with several other

My grandmother is one of the original ‘extreme couponers’. She’s not as crazy as these people, and watched the show with a mix of awe and disgust.

Seriously, it’s utterly fucked up. The whole ‘just give them up for adoption’ spiel pisses me off like nothing else. I’d rather punch a kitten than listen to that shit.

*Boy* babies. My social worker told me my son was very lucky that he was white and healthy, and a he because that meant he’d be adopted out quickly. Healthy white baby boys are the most popular (and most expensive) kind of babies to adopt in the USA.