Because it’s nice when women have the space to do something without having a bunch of men acting like idiots because there’s a womanly presence around.
Because it’s nice when women have the space to do something without having a bunch of men acting like idiots because there’s a womanly presence around.
On the flip side, I can see it being a decent exchange if someone was willing (and able), and it wasn’t just put in place in a poor area where people would feel forced because they can’t come up with a hundred bucks.
Yeah, we worked that out, lol. Rather, I got snappy and he apologized.
Usually if I catch my husband ogling something, it’s a car.
I’m donating my body to science, and hopefully whatever’s left over can be shipped to the body farm.
He should be happy he can’t smell them. It’s a win win for y’all.
See, just after birth, all babies are rather ugly...I thought my son was ugly. Nothing is pretty when it’s all misshapen and covered in gore.
I impressed my husband when we first got together with my ability to stink him out of the room with my farts.
I need a different hobby. I’m running out of room for my rocks.
A couple of years ago, my husband got a job at Dairy Queen. He went in that first day sick (because at places like that, you have no choice). He wasn’t like deathly ill, just a cough and a little blah. Could’ve been because he smokes too much, neither of us thought anything of it.
If I received that monster as a gift, I’d shit my pants, them promptly squirrel it away with my (probably close to literal at this point) ton of rocks because I like shiny things. And rocks. Shiny rocks are an automatic win for me.
I forgot, I also got a lot of subtle fat shaming from my family. “Oh, you’ll thin out as you get taller” (I think I was 10? I kept getting this comment, unsolicited, until I hit puberty and everyone was damn certain I wasn’t getting any taller or skinnier.)
I asked my mom once why she didn’t have any baby pictures of me, but lots of my sister. Her response ‘You were a very ugly baby and I didn’t want any pictures of you then.’
I bulk up like no one’s business. I think my husband’s a bit jealous because we can do the same work (mostly stuff like yard and construction work), and I’ll bulk up a lot faster (and in certain areas bigger) than him. I love it. Yeah I got bulky arms and muscly shoulders, and they’re damn sexy.
I mean to say improvising up there...gah
I dunno, I got a hold of some potato vodka once and thought my mouth was melting. I tried some fancy smancy wheat vodka and thought I snorted a whole bunch of yeast the taste was so awful.
New Amsterdam ain’t bad for the price. I know some snobby folks are against flavored vodkas, but I’m happy being a cheap drunk with bad tastes. New Amsterdam has some lovely flavored vodkas. Smirnoff and Absolute do too.
Booze snobs/hipsters are like beer snobs/hipsters. You’ll never be cool because you don’t drink like they do.
Bourdain is an unfunny, over cultured asshat and Feiri is just a jackass.