
My sympathies about what’s going on and well wishes for your loved ones.

Maybe enough people will leave and this fucking church will die off and I can stop being hassled.

Thanks! I used to have one of these, but I never put it on the door like an idiot.

Yeah...I have 8 cats and 2 dogs, and sometimes I get terrified something’s going to happen at home while I’m away. I’ll be fine, but my critters won’t be. Sure neighbors or firefighters or something might try to save them, but if they don’t know how many animals I have...

I never did learn how to copy and paste while coding. That would’ve been handy to know, lol.

Totally still on Neopets. Not the same account (it’d be soo old at this point, well over 10 years...)

I’m not quite sure about it myself. I think I’m just really pissed (at a variety of things) and really tired. Don’t mind me.

I don’t think that’s the default for men. I think it’s the default for men who don’t have to suffer consequences, who are punished for not being ‘manly’, who feel they’re above things like empathy and compassion, who think they’re worthy of everything they want and the world owes it to them, who are nothing more than

Nope. Good ol’ North Carolina.

Jeez, ouch. I fell and bruised my tail bone and that was agony. I can’t imagine how bad a car felt.

Ouch. Hope everything is feeling good now.

Will surgeons give you back body parts? If so, I totally want any sort of bones of mine should I have to get them removed.

I routinely wear coyote and cat bones, human teeth isn’t so odd any more.

I offered to make a ring for my husband out of my kidney stone. He declined.

Hehehe that’s cool. My husband offered me the teeth he had pulled so I could make a necklace or something out of them. I appreciated the gesture. I’ve yet to make jewelry out of them.

I feel y’all’s pain. Mine aren’t chronic either (thank the Universe), but damned if they’re not the worst.

I’m not for the death penalty, I believe everyone should have a chance to try and redeem themselves, try to do some good to balance out what bad they did. Yes even murderers, and even my own rapist. I know it’s strange and not a popular opinion.

Shit’s not so bad. That’s hilarious.

One of the women my husband cheated with was a church member we both knew and hung out with. I sent her a message on Facebook telling her to go get an STD screening because she wasn’t the first person he’s fucked around with since we’ve been together.

I’m willing to teach, but there’s nothing better than a partner that’s already broke in, lol.

Pretty much. My husband complained about not being a good kisser or pussy eater when we first met, so I got to teach him how to do both to my liking. He was a great student because he loved learning. Or at least the sex he got out of it, lol.