
I'd also add 2. And definitely 14.

I was one of the finale haters when it first aired. Well, hate is a strong word for what I felt. I remember feeling really underwhelmed. But in the months after, I read a theory that it was specifically what Jack needed to see, hear, believe, etc., in order for him to be ready to cross into the afterlife. Not

It's funny, last week I didn't even really notice that the rest of the 99 gang were missing, but this week I was reminded why I love them all so much. But Gina and her assistant = more please.

I agree with pretty much everything you've said except one small point - the cat didn't aggravate Stone's eczema. That was due to the stress about the closing argument. Prior to that, it was under control (eventually, that is) and he thought it was because of the Chinese herbs. More like the cat reduced his stress

He was great, and I was so happy to see him in this show. I have been pretending since the premiere that his character actually is Bodie, and that he didn't really get killed. Living in some weird kind of alternate witness protection.

I don't know how an ending that shows the cat definitively back with Stone can be classified as unsatisfying.

Haha nearly my exact statement to my brother when I told him last night.

It's Burkhardt. Now with that obligatory nitpick out of the way, I can actually comment on the news. I'm a little disappointed — especially that the final season will only be 13 episodes — but at the same time, the last couple of seasons have gone a little off the rails and the cases/creatures were getting a little

Well past its prime — which wasn't even really a prime. Also, "Freeform's Breaking Bad"?! Surely you jest.

I remember stealing the soundtrack from my brother. Pretty sure I still have the CD in a box in the garage somewhere. I still have yet to see the movie, but "Fallin" remains one of my favorite songs — and not just from the soundtrack.

Chandra didn't pursue anyone down a dark alley. That was Stone. She went to speak to the mortician.

Hoooooot pockets.

Oh, that's a bummer. We really liked this show in our house. Although I've read that quite a lot of people did not care for S2 so I do wonder if ratings were a factor too. Either way, it will be missed. Damn kids, always ruining everything.

I am not a lawyer, but the handling of the knife, the purported murder weapon, without gloves or without the knife being in an evidence bag before being passed around like a party favor, has been one of the things that bugs me the most about the court scenes. In fact, it irks me so badly I have found myself missing

I'm not familiar with the story, but Freddy asked him in an earlier episode if he was more Aladdin or Sinbad when talking about what his nickname should/would be.

And also, wouldn't the knife, the supposed murder weapon, be in an evidence bag? Or at least handled while wearing gloves? Meanwhile it's been passed around and touched by no fewer than 3 characters, all bare-handed, during the trial. That has really aggravated me.

Great episode, even if parts of it made me roll my eyes (the kiss, as you mentioned, as well as Chandra quoting Cochran in the courtroom — which wasn't even the most ridiculous thing said in the course of the trial). But overall, another very intriguing hour, from what we learned about the stepfather, and Naz's other

That paperwork was for his pension, how it would pay out in the event of his death.

I feel the same way as you about the kiss. I get that Chandra is lonely and all, but I didn't think it was that bad where she would do that.

I'm not actually a Hope Solo fan so hopefully you're referring to the other guy/gal. But I agree with your post otherwise. She was also quoted recently saying she was going to Brazil "begrudgingly" for the Olympics. I don't think being booed and hearing "Zika" chanted at her is the worst thing a crowd has ever