
I'm not going to lie — I'm not exactly seeing the big deal about that. Then again, I'm not the biggest fan of hers, so perhaps I'm not the best judge. But I'd be willing to bet she's probably heard worse things said to her, and probably heard some of it from fellow Americans.

I agree and disagree. I certainly don't need to see all four routines of the girl who qualified for the all-around in the 24th and final spot and who will more than likely not win a medal. But it would be nice to see the top 5-6 contenders, and it wouldn't be hard to do — they don't need to show everything, because

That's a bummer, but at the same time, it's part of sports to cheer your team and boo your rivals. That said, yeah, the only booing I've noticed has been directed at the Russian swimmer(s) accused and/or found guilty for banned substances.

Spot on about the gymnastics, the splitting up has me in such a rage, I'm actually contemplating getting Twitter just so I can rant about it more directly. I do not remember their London coverage of the gymnastics sucking as hard as it does this year.

I can't believe I just read all of that. What is wrong with me? Oh, right, I am trying to avoid working.

I definitely thought that too, especially with regard to the ME. The DA seemed to hesitate for a split second when he asked her to put the photo down. Really good thoughts in your post — well said, and I agree with you. :)

Their coverage has been shit this year, that's why. Let's hold off on airing a popular event's conclusion until 11:30pm EST even though it actually ended 6-plus hours ago so that we can air every swimming heat and semifinal known to man. Sounds great, who needs to take advantage of the fact that we're almost on the

And in a lot of events I've seen, chants of USA have filled the crowd, and I've seen Brazilians wildly cheering for the US teams alongside Americans (so long as their hometown team isn't involved, mind you). I've seen/heard it during women's field hockey, swimming, and gymnastics to name just a few.

I will still watch this, but I don't think it stands a chance at replacing Treme as my favorite Katrina-related TV show.

I'll miss Killam. He was one of the most consistent cast members but in the last season or two you could kind of see something was off with him or his enthusiasm, or whatever, especially towards the season's end. Pharaoh was always hit or miss for me, but once Nasim Pedrad was gone and her Kim K with her, Pharaoh's

Holy shit, I thought it was just me and my family who knew of Animalympics. I've never met anyone in real life who's ever even heard of it, let alone actually seen it. Bless you for that reference. Now I wish I still had a VCR so I could watch my old recording of it.

Heh. I remember that so clearly because I answered even before Naz did…and as you might be able to tell, I'm a tad partial to Jeter myself. ;)

Yep, same here.

Thank you! I was able to figure it out, eventually. That was more of an issue with my app store account, but that's another story entirely. :)

I'd be totally fine with NBC holding gymnastics back until primetime — it's easy enough to avoid spoilers who won for a few hours — but it's when they split it up and do one hour and come back to the finish 2 hours later, just before midnight, that I have a problem with it. And for the women, they showed the U.S.

Thank you. I did give that a try earlier, but it kept crashing on my tablet every time I even tried to open it, let alone stream anything. Looking at it on my desktop again now, it makes it seem like it'll live stream what's already on TV. I was looking for something that will show me events as they're happening


Actually he asked him to name two Yankees headed to the HoF. Other than that admitted nitpick, I agree with your post entirely. :)

Hmm. I didn't realize he was lying. I took him at his word. But not the first different number with regard to those drugs. I could have sworn that Chalky — oops, I mean Omar — dammit I mean Freddy — said there would be two 8-balls when he first told him what he needed. Then there were three presented to him and

This was my favorite episode since the premiere. I felt the same type of tension as Naz swallowed the drugs and Stone chased after Duane as I did during that entire first episode.