throwin darts

That’s “Are-ick-oh vair” on the big board in the ESPN war room.

This is not a Fugazi MVP award.

He’s Johnny Football, not Johnny Tape. Fuck’s sake.

I dont.

It’s not their fault; they were assured that Mexico would pay for it.

If this game had been on NBC, Al Michaels would’ve lost his mind on the gambling implications of that scenario.

What happens if they don’t? Do they eventually start accumulating delay of game penalties until they have to start penalizing them half the distance from their own end zone and run into Zeno’s Paradox where they can never get all the way back for a safety? Does the NFC Championship never happen? As the years pass by,


Has anyone reached out to the Tequila Cowboy for comment or is Jerry Jones too busy to talk?


Missed the game on purpose. Tired of watching LeFlop errrr...LeTravel...errrrr...LeWhine play. Enjoy LeFoul and LeLoss and never forget to blame LeTeam never LeSelf.

Pink Floyd tried to warn us about this dark side like forty years ago.

Fucking people today. Free stuff. Jesus christ.

Dude definitely is on the list of the top five folks with whom I’d pay to hang out for an hour and shoot the shit.

And because rubber and metal are natural enemies...well, he wasn’t any smarter after the resulting concussion than he was before.

They’ve taken “confuse people with the floor plan so they never leave” to an art.

Don’t worry, we can regain some cred if we do well in the World Series.

I’d like to extend my sympathy to the White Sox on their embarrassment:

This would have never happened to the guy from Flobots.

Homer voice: Uhh....I don’t know. Seems like a lot of work (chews on semi frozen burger patty).