
Sometimes my boobs are standing next to someone without my even knowing about it #OppProb

Conservatives do not have a monopoly on this behavior, as a look through the city ordinances of San Francisco and Seattle lays quite bare.

Yeah, and my dad’s barely at home. However, my dad IS having an affair, which my husband finds supremely disgusting. And one time he overheard my dad talking on the phone to his mistress, and my dad told her that Josh was inadvertently putting a lot of pressure on me with him being out of a job (which isn’t not not

...”don’t seem to understand that there’s a middle ground between “mandatory” and “banned.”I feel like this sums up the entire GOP mindset.

I don’t consider moving back home humiliating at all, but after living on my own it has been a difficult transition for me. The difficulty is compounded by having abusive mentally unstable parents, however.


Yeah I was with you until thinking 40 years was too much for any rape. As someone who has been raped, 40 years doesn’t seem like enough. The idea that they could be out there to inflict that truama on someone else, is hard to cope with.

The writing on that one is the BEST. I lost it at fleeing the great Fucks Famine of 2015.

I didn’t have email until after high school. We didn’t have cell phones. I thank God every day. I know I would have been that chubby, anti-social girl who someone convinced to send nudes and they’d have been all over the school.

There were students even back then (~2001), trading naked pictures. I know because I used to be a student back then, too, despite not participate in such activities.

Give humans any communication technology and they will repurpose it for sex and pleasure. I don’t see how teens are any different from older people who

It’s straight up insanity. Kid Electron’s classmate started up with an all-star cheer program, and her mom’s been putting pressure on me to sign up Kid as well. It would cost more per month than her school tuition, and that’s not including the mandatory practice uniforms, two performance uniforms and assorted poms

Every story of this nature gets a lot of comments like this. And I give them stars every time, because I am so goddamn thankful I missed this craziness by a few years.

When I was in high school “social media” was a bulletin board. And I mean one made of actual cork.

My husband and I were just talking about this. We have three girls who are still little but wondered about possibly facing this type of situation in the future. It was my husband that said, “They traded naked photos. It isn’t like they were raping kids or tortured animals or something!” We also noted that often in

But now it’s your kids going through this and you don’t have the same social media experience that they now have when you were their age.

Facebook wasn't even a thing until I was in college — and then it was ONLY college students. You still had to have a .edu email to sign up.

I think I started Myspace out of college. AIM was huge though. I spent lots of time crafting away messages in college (I went to VT which had a computer requirement in the year 2000...cue Conan and Andy...)

You said it! I don’t think kids are any more depraved ;) these days than they were in the pre-viral past, but man can their ill thought out deeds be efficiently packaged and distributed these days.

On the one hand, I didn’t even have Myspace until college. (We just chatted on AIM throughout that era.)