
fuck yeah, charges.

I was working the early shift and in walks a woman who looks like someone has been smashing symbols against her head for a few days.

This would rub me the wrong way on any given day, but coming on the heels of another shooting in Ferguson — on the anniversary of Mike Brown’s death, no less — this is almost too much.

I never really thought about it ‘til now, but yeah, they probably wouldn’t put body cams on plainclothes cops because they have to be able to blend in.

Suddenly “Exit. Pursued by a bear” makes a lot more sense.

Assault with a protein drink? No whey!

Sure. Send me a pair and I’ll put ‘em right on immediately!

At least he died doing what he was indifferent to.

Pittsburgh isn’t a country, no matter how much locals think it is.

Please tell us you mean before he died.

I think you mean “Kenan Thompson from All That”

I am a bit phobic about air travel. I’m the spazzy person who white knuckles the arm rest and goes into meditative breathing anytime the captain mentions it’s time to buckle up because we have some turbulence ahead. But twice now I have been seated next to the only person on the plane who was more afraid to fly than I

Burritos are not wraps. I consulted an expert. (That expert is me.)

For just about everything except ketchup.

Nobody deserves to be sodomized with ketchup.

Aaaand there goes my cousin Bob’s phone number.

Sam, I hope you got a good look, ‘cause it’s the last time!

Sorry, did I miss something in the article? Did they say Atticus was actually in the KKK in Watchman? If so, that is disappointing. It’s a much more interesting character for him to be racist in a patriarchal, white savior sort of way as described here. Because that is how power structures often work- people who

No, it’s real.