Haywould Jagettoknowme

Typical Democrat. Ya, Obama was all about peace lol

Republican in the Whitehouse! Time to forget about all the thousands of people killed in Obama’s wars!

Rob Gronkowski: I like to think I put the “bro” in “abortion”.

One may be producing a runny dump and the other a fart, but both are still assholes.

You forget 100% of the quotes you don’t remember?

This helps explain why people call him a real motherfucker.

Think originally from NFL Memes?

Don’t wake up, you’ll be in Atlanta.

And isn’t that worth thousands of dollars?

On the bright side, this gives Rodgers more time to spend with his family


I’ll start the flu takes-

Sucks to be those guys that rode out the bet on GB....

That’s just a normal sized chair.

lol durant sux

No wonder I can’t hear him when I call. I’m like Müller? Müller?

Just change the name to Mic & Mic, then the only thing you have to worry about is having a microphone for each host.

It could become such an enormous distraction that it actually prevents the Texans from properly preparing for the upcoming game.

How is the haircut behind him not the real story here?