



No sane person buys an electric car with turbo in the fucking name.

Sorry, but if the cheaper car is faster, quicker, lighter, more advanced, longer range, then brand alone is nowhere near enough to justify the cost of the brand of Porsche 

I’m still bitter that he isn’t on the Kings. where he should be. Fucking rigged lottery.

Hey bum Torchinsky, the hurricane isn’t hitting the Carolinas, it’s hitting Alabama! Failing Jalopnik probably staged the Jeep in the ocean too! ANOTHER Chinese car that can’t surf. SAD!

Meh, that’s a stock Wrangler. By the time it has a couple thousand dollars of modifications such as Angry Eyes, Military Grade LEDs, wheels with Ben Hur spinners, Bikini Tops, etc. it will be just as good as sitting in a parking lot outside of a mall as any of the others.

Or.. they mean.. Hey, maybe you should change your mind about irrationally hating people, join the 20th century.... and not be a permanent boil on humanity.  If those words offend.. you may be the problem.. (glad ya brought the nomex) 

Just did a thousand miles in a weekend a little while back, and another five hundred last weekend! It’s possible to have fun cars as an NYC resident and just daily drive the MTA.

Because gatekeeping makes him feel superior to others.

The one mini worth 100k.

I would pay $100K for their MINI. Holy eff, I would.

The bracketry alone on Binky will be worth more than that...

I was half expecting the project Binky guys in that photo.

Let me offer the perspective of someone who went there two years ago, about a week after the first article was published, in the effort to buy his grey 16v scirocco:

I called him wednesday that week to ask if he still had it. he said he did. we negotiated a price of $800 and i told him I would be there between 1-2pm on

You should write a strongly worded complaint letter. 

I HAPPEN TO HAVE IT ON VERY GOOD AUTHORITY THAT OPPOSITELOCK IS RUN BY A CLANDESTINE CABAL OF people with too much time on their hands and the desire to exert a small amount of control over semi-anonymous people on the internet.