
Well, that was a very scientific assertion based on studies used to prove your hypothesis, right?

Re 5th Gear: A lot of declarative sentences there proclaiming the value of lower speed limits, narrow roads, speed bumps and speed cameras to catch dangerous drivers and reduce accidents.

You scored a northstar that didn't burn oil? What, are you next gonna say that the case seal didn't leak?

Ze germans are as guilty of parts sharing as anybody else. Case in point, the switches on a 2015 Mercedes C300, which was about 40 grand back then

Lots of common parts between e38, e39 and e53 BMW’s (5, 7 and x5) of the late 90's early 2000's.

“Germans seem to be big on”

you mean ‘seemed’. Both BMW and Mercedes have moved to more modular reusable platforms in the past few years.

It’s very easy to check sold items on Ebay.

Putting a circuit board in something as external and oft hit as a tail light still seems like a very stupid idea. This is also probably why the whole thing is glued together instead of screwed, to keep out as much moisture as possible due to the circuit board in there. I’m by no means an EE, but I still feel like it’s

Depends on German brand.

It was done because that was the cheapest method of production AND had the shortest shelf life. 

Yes, it’s way more complex than that. Did you read the article in question?

Something did.  They bought a GM product. 

OK Boomer

But when replacing a burnt out taillight involves “learning to code”, something has gone terribly, terribly wrong.

lmaooooo we won’t fix the lights on XLRs because we have no money to buy XLRs in the first place.

I’m about 2 decades younger than the last boomer’s birth but fuck, that is one dumb comment.

Illuminating for sure. 

This whole design makes no sense. It’s not like there were some legacy designs that did something similar that they carried over. This was intentionally designed this way. Whichever engineer decided the circuit board should be in the taillight itself should be taken out back and shot. As an engineer who knows how to

This article isn’t light on details.

Seriously?  Give me a break.