H.A.R.B. (formerly two wheels are enough)

I thought that all Lexus LFAs were leased, not sold outright; if so, wouldn't the terms of the lease prohibit the lessee from making substantial alterations to the car such as, you know, chopping the roof off?

I think we should be thankful Steve Jobs put so much emphasis on user experience so we would discover how good a user experience could be - have our eyes opened, in other words. Whether you're an Apple fanatic or not, their products raise the bar for all of their competitors, which is good for everyone.

On the Southern California coast? Check my wiper blades and replace if necessary.

This is good news. I'm 6'1" and was concerned about fitting comfortably. Of course I'll have to sit in one myself to be sure, and then there's the issue of comfort on longer (multi-hundred-mile) drives, but this is a good start.

Please make this go away.

I completely agree with you. I bought an extended battery (something like 1400mAh) for my last non-smartphone, and it made the phone almost 10mm thicker, but i could go about 10 days between charges so I was happy. I'd much rather have a slightly bulkier phone that packs a bigger battery.

Is that 27 hours of constant usage, or 27 hours of mixed standby and usage? Motorola says the MAXX will go for 21 hours of straight voice calls.

This is exactly why the USA needs to stop importing oil, start using domestic resources (in an environmentally friendly way), and start driving more fuel-efficient vehicles (that are still fun to hoon).

Yay for Eccentrica Gallumbits, the Triple-Breasted Whore of Eroticon Six.

Now playing

I'm amazed at how low he was able to lean into some of those turns without sliding out...

Quit blowing this out of proportion, Gizmodo. Verizon Wireless customers can easily avoid the $2 fee by signing up for automatic bill pay, as I just did. It took all of 3 minutes, and saves me the hassle of logging in to my account every month to manually pay my bill. I still get to use the same credit card (and

I completely agree - the news of a driver's car like the BRZ/FR-S/GT86 coming from the Queen of Beige was monumental.

The Weighted Companion Cube was getting lonely, so they came up with one that would keep it company by telling it lots of stories.

Then I suggest you run for Congress and try to enact legislation to change the patent system. I will vote for you. I'm not being sarcastic - I agree that the patent system is archaic, filled with exploitable loopholes, and in desperate need of reform. But the problem is not Apple or any other company - the problem

Let's be realistic - Android isn't going away any time soon. There are so many users, so many devices, and so many companies with billions invested in the ecosystem for Android to die. Apple can fight tooth and nail, in both marketplace and courtroom, but there is simply too much momentum behind Android. My

Who the hell is Rebecca Black?

The problem is human nature - most Americans do not have the mental capability to decide to ignore their cell phone and focus on driving, so therefore we need laws to protect us from our own stupidity. Change human nature and you can get rid of these nanny laws.

I think "glups" may have been a typo of "gulps."

This issue shouldn't be reduced to state vs. federal jurisdiction. It's about common sense and making roads safer for everyone. There is abundant evidence that cell phone usage while driving is dangerous, and in my opinion it should be banned as quickly as possible. I know I'm not the only person who feels this way.