H.A.R.B. (formerly two wheels are enough)

I'll bet Rick Perry $10,000 that the plurality of BRZ/FR-S sales in the first year of U.S. availability go to the Jalopnik community. We can have our cake and eat it, too.


Since when did Redditors take over the Jalopnik comments section? Do people think they have to use a meme generator to be clever?

So, it could be the scale of the video, or it could just be me, but I would have expected those X-Bows to be going around the track a bit faster. Is this supposed to be more of a demonstration of precision apex-hitting and racing-line-following than all-out speed? Are these cars going around the track as fast as

Yeah, it's got the same basic outline, so it must be exactly the same car as before, right?

If you're bleeding significantly you probably shouldn't be asking your phone to give you directions to the nearest hospital. You should just call 911 or get a friend/coworker/relative to take you to the ER, instead of relying on your smartphone to be your lifeline.

Nobody with access to the internet can say they consume no oil. Even if you don't drive a car, most of the plastics you own are made from precursor materials derived from oil. The food you eat was transported in trucks that use oil, and may have been grown with fertilizers made from oil. Unless you've lived your

So, let me get this straight: if I move to Florida and drive a car with a manual transmission, I'll be immune to carjackings and get to date women half my age?

God I love that game.

Rear-wheel drive only.

There are only two questions in my mind:

Chrysler Sebring Convertible. Because if you cheated on her, you obviously don't give a f**k about the relationship and chose this car for "teh lulz."

The sticker covers the RFID antenna which is integrated into the battery itself. There is a chip on the mainboard that handles the processing. The phone does appear to communicate directly with the POS unit through NFC.

Wrong. The iFixit article clearly states that the NFC antenna is integrated into the battery itself, not the sticker on the battery. Please update the article.


This may have already been said in the comments, but it's important to check tire pressures and inflate them when they're cold, i.e. in the morning before the sun starts warming them up. Once the sun comes up, one side of the car is going to be a lot warmer than the other (if you park outside) and hence the tires on

Easy: play Forza, Gran Turismo, etc. on a gaming console built into your car, while parked in a parking lot.

A more likely scenario is frozen poop striking a windshield on a cold day...

Hmm, so they assume the poop falls at the same speed as water and has the same density as water... What else has the density and terminal velocity of water and falls on cars all the time? Oh yeah, RAIN.

L.A. drivers suck at driving.