H.A.R.B. (formerly two wheels are enough)

You'll just have to watch them all to find out.

Props for the use of scientific notation to list the cost in Chinese currency. No wonder the Chinese government is raising interest rates...

It's a wagon, an E30, it's clean and the engine swap appears to have been done well, but no A/C? $15k is a few k's too many. CP.

Yeah, he totally is. The bigger question is: is the ass good enough to justify getting caught oogling it?

The time-traveling De Lorean from Back to the Future.

Would love some video, mostly to hear that 326rb rev. I loved reading the Jalop article on that build when it came out many months ago.

No. Fixie means fixed gear, meaning the cog is not free to rotate independently of the hub, and hence if the wheel is rotating the pedals must be rotating as well. The vast, overwhelming majority of BMX bikes (and many single-speed bikes ridden by hipster-poseurs) are equipped with free-wheel gearing, which means

Motorsports just aren't as fun without the roar of internal combustion. What are you supposed to do when your favorite driver is in the lead - golf clap?

If enough people (or just a few people in the right places) call attention to this, the Saudi government will have to cave. The near-term result, aside from lots of celebration and rejoicing that another draconian policy has been abolished, will be lots of new car sales. Good for women, good for the auto industry.

Looks fantastic, inside and out, except for the wheels. I'm sure they're meant to complete the retro look, but I would replace them with something a little more subdued.

It looks like the long-lost lovechild of the 328 and 507, if you ask me.

These guys would make 4chan proud.

I'm proud to admit that rowing my own gears is just plain fun, but I also admit I think it would be nice to have the same control over gearing without having to take your hands of the wheel. Not to mention faster shift times. But the only cars I've ever driven have been traditional manuals and traditional

Turbo'ed cars just don't have the same exhaust note as NA cars...

How about technologies that matter to more than just the wealthiest 1% of the population, like:

God bless sluts.

I remember paying about $1.80/gallon in December of 2008. And $4.99/gallon (for 87 octane) not too long before that.

Unbeknownst to Tony Stark, Bugatti had already miniaturized Arc reactor technology and cleverly disguised them as headlamps on their prototype four-door land missile.

The E46 M3 CSL was the first thing that came to mind. Second place goes to the E90 320d and 325d.