H.A.R.B. (formerly two wheels are enough)

Nice wheels!

There's a whole lotta ho (and fake tan and daddy's money and stupid and all the other clichés) in that picture and not enough me.

That seemed like an awfully long flamethrowing... Is there more unburnt fuel being exhausted simply because it's a bigger engine, or is that symptomatic of a problem with the engine?

I love the laughing at the end.

I know you didn't make the chart or write this article, but:

I thought the commodity experts came to the conclusion that oil (and also silver) were severely overbought by margin buyers (driving up the price of futures), the same buyers who just rapidly liquidated their positions to avoid having to put up more collateral to maintain their margin positions. Once again, we have

... if you're using the wrong gallon. 1 US gallon = 3.785 liters.

If I had that much coin to spend on a kingdom to call my own, I sure as hell wouldn't locate it in Temecula. I'd spend half that much on a still-very-nice house, and have plenty of change left over to fill it with toys.

Most excellent.

Chalk this up on the list of truly amazing things I'll probably never get to experience firsthand... You're living the dream, Spinelli.

... because racecar?

I thought the first Transformers was decent and thought Transformers 2 was absolute crap... but I'm actually excited to see this movie when it comes out. Looks like great eye candy.

Lighter, new transmission, direct-injection so it'll probably be more powerful and/or more efficient, and priced such that mere mortals can reasonably aspire to own one? Hell yes.

If there's no apparent design flaw, then the materials may be at fault. This wouldn't be the first report of sub-spec materials causing failures. It's actually pretty easy to screw up parts at the level of the basic material (steel, aluminum, brass, etc.): either start with material that doesn't have the right

All it's missing is a targeting reticle.

Read this a day or two ago on Gizmodo or Wired or some other gadget/tech site. The motivation behind this seems to be the ability to burn much leaner air/fuel mixtures and hence use less fuel. Apparently, lean running conditions can cause platinum spark plugs to corrode/degrade much faster than normal whereas these

Well this is just perfect for all those times I'm para-gliding and my iPad falls out of my bag 500 ft. and conveniently lands on grass. But what about a real-world test like, say, falling 5 feet onto concrete?

Nice soundtrack - sounds like it could have come from Tron: Legacy.

Audi advertisements seem to oscillate between being very, very good and very, very bad. More middle ground would be good.

Looks like someone's arm reaching into a hole in the dash.