H.A.R.B. (formerly two wheels are enough)

Possible names for the inevitable hybrid Toyota-Tesla:

@pauljones: The only reason I saw Number Two was because a "friend" gave me the DVD for Christmas.

@VeeArrrSix: Agreed. And I'm sure it was intentional.

So are they just cancelling the movie then? Because I can't think of any other reasons to see it.

Nevermind the guns; has that 3 been lifted slightly?

DINGDINGDING, we have a winner!

My granddad was in the navy in WWII, then in the reserves afterwards while he was a judge in San Diego. He was a gentleman and all-around awesome guy. He was into sailing. He was very cool, but alas was not into motorsports. Nobody's perfect.

According to the infallible Top Gear website ([]), this is the BMW Sauber aerodynamics team. The one in blue is their Chief Computational Fluid Dynamicist. Apparently, the Monaco Grand Prix is still very much relevant (to my interests).

I'm sure it's a blast to drive 'round the 'Ring, but if I'm spending my hard-earned dollars then I'm buying the M3 sedan. From 1998.

According to ColdTrackDays and the press release, SPEED 2 will initially only be available to SPEED subscribers. This is vague. How do we sign up? How do we prove we already subscribe to SPEED? Are they referring just to the TV channel or something more specific? Details details details!

Why is this still an issue? It seems like safety issues of this magnitude (cars BURSTING INTO FLAMES) and frequency (seems like we hear about this at least once a month) would warrant the wrath of the NHTSA and immediate product recalls. Is it because the sales volume of supercars is too low for the NHTSA to lift a

"Mom, Dad, stop it you're embarrasing meeeeee!"

Anything that's seen snow and/or real winter driving. Anything with over 100k miles. Anything that's had significant engine mods. Anything that doesn't come with comprehensive maintenance records.

This COTD is made of win on so many levels... It made my day. Congrats and thanks to Piloter.

@two wheels are enough: Sorry for the double-post. I hit "Share" and nothing happened, so I hit it again and nothing happened. I refreshed the page and my post was there, twice. Please fix commenting bugs!

Don't care about the baby version; as long as they're still making the FT-86 light and nimble and RWD, I still want one even if it costs $25k.

Don't care about the baby version; as long as they're still making the FT-86 light and nimble and RWD, I still want one even if it costs $25k.
