Oh grand. Countdown to "Dear A Clean Person, How do I remove coconut oil stains from my sheets?" in 3 ... 2 ... 1
Oh grand. Countdown to "Dear A Clean Person, How do I remove coconut oil stains from my sheets?" in 3 ... 2 ... 1
Once you use coconut oil to beat off does it become palm oil?
Mental note: never accept a pina colada from Gabe Kapler.
Hi, Dan.
Go ahead, assholes. Tell us again how "only white people and like seven Indians" care about this issue.
First lead of the series, you know aside from those two leads they grabbed in OT to win a couple of games.
All the proposed solutions to this problem seem to ignore the elephant in the room - NBA officiating is completely capricious. Placing more of these guesswork calls under the microscope of instant replay/review just illustrates how poorly games are called. Ineffective positioning, unchecked egos, visceral fear…
How much are they going to fine the ref for believing it?
It's like a high school track paved over for cars.
Judging from the video it seem's like a racetrack for idiots.
If you watch the slowmo replay from the side, Machado missed the pitch by two feet. I don't think I've ever seen someone miss a pitch that bad. My point being, I don't think he was even thinking about hitting the ball, just focusing on swinging way back to clock the catcher. Plus he doesn't even look back with any…
It would be more impressive if they started their own fight in the outfield, to show solidarity, or something.
If this was the great game of hockey someone would have tuned this punk up already and it would stopped after his punk behavior after the "too hard" tag.
He should really practice his bat-throwing before bringing that move out. I mean it wasn't even a real swing, nowhere close to the ball (in timing or location); he might as well have just chucked it like a tomahawk. He just looked like an idiot. If he had hit the pitcher at least he'd have been successful (in his…
They're throwing at him because he's been an asshole all series.... because he overreacted to Donaldson's tag, and then the O's decided to heat it up by going in on Donaldson to protect their 21 year old child. And because he hit Norris twice, the second time more than likely giving him a concussion with that…
"The safe assumption is that Machado was aiming for Abad, and fortunately missed by a mile."
I hate to do this, but this really seems like roid-rage, or something similar. Remember Clemens v Piazza? Remember Kenny Rogers assaulting a camera man? His reaction to the tag-out Friday was so over the top and unnecessary. Buck Schowalter turned a blind eye to/ (or depending on who you believe around Dallas)…
This seems like Muchado about nothing.