Al just don't Cosby it.
Well that fumble makes him the perfect jets qb.
That fumble and fall was so epic the ref felt it and fell to the field.
Like Tebow?
With college football players, this is the only thing left that can bring some kind of punishment against them.
So Ted doesn't have Romo in his Fantasy League?
I have been playing it at work since it came out. As you advance through, it is harder and harder because after so many level ups, there is a new city resource that you need to build (fire, police, water, sewage, trash). The problem is that it is hard to keep up unless you build out all your resources and hope that…
The only people that would act out concerning these shirts are the cops getting OT to be security guards. And even are you concerned they are going to pepper spray the place or unload a clip in the building?
Suspend for the playoffs, this asshole did this on purpose to take out Rodgers for the game or more. That second step and him putting his whole weight on his left foot.
With a team that has Te'o on the roster, this guy is the biggest fucking moron on that team. You don't launch yourself into a helmet to helmet hit.
And just have NFL lawyer play this clip and walk out.
The weapons used in most mass shootings, those unknown events, are newly purchased. They are not weapons owned for years and years. Many groups from both sides have said that we need to restrict sales of firearms along with better screening.
Having people being monitored around the clock by qualified personnel is a…
Unless you are talking about the cops shooting the firefighters, educate yourself.
The only way to protect from the unknown is to restrict gun sales and put people in institutions.
And the firefighters let a city block burn when dropping 4 pounds of c4 did not do anything. All I can see happening is a waco if the philly pd bust into there.
I live near Wilmington DE, they have more crime than you could think of. Your city has had numerous years without any homicides or a single one; you don't live in the more well known Manchester. All your city is doing is paying for the maintenance for the DOD.
You really think that an armed vehicle would have made improved that police fuck up?
Looking at this, I could think that the red car was trying to get away from the gray car and slowed down to kill the chance for them to keep following them.