
I'm definitely a hard DC fan and this movie I've been the most excited for since it got announced, so idk how impartial I could really be but I definitely felt like I got everything I wanted! I'll agree that final battle was kinda hard to follow because of how choppy the CGI was, but I will also say it's interesting

Been playing this NON-STOP since it came out. My Blue Beetle looks amazing and is maxxed out, same as Atrocitus (make him purple and choose the unique ones and he'll come out great!) I've got a bunch of characters doing ok and ive been unlocking the story endings for each character, currently levelling Wonder Woman.

Much as season 5 of Glee was a terrible Shitstorm, I felt a lot of much needed closure after watching 'The Quarterback' which dealt with Cory Monteiths death - and subsequently, his character Finn's. Working that closely together and then losing someone is just so unimaginably difficult, wouldn't wish it on the worst

I gave this show up after about 4 episodes of s6 — but I have to say, Season 1 was one of the best seasons of television I've seen. I enjoyed it so much, there were stakes! and mysteries! and coherent storytelling! I kept going after that, and it wasn't bad… until after Neverland. I stopped having fun for 90% of the

Aaaaaand it's now been leaked. As for me, I'll be waiting. A lot of networks let me down in getting shows to me in reasonable time (I get spoilers, damnit!) but Netflix is usually same-time with its originals and its a service I'd rather give the views & money. It's a shame that this happened though.

Also as I forgot to write it before - Jennifer Lawrence. I certainly don't hate her, but I've been leaning more into the realm of dislike lately. I really liked the hunger games movies though, I thought her portrayal of Katniss was spot on to what I imagined.

Natalia Kills kinda showed her true colours with that new zealand x factor drama but damnit if Perfectionist wasn't a great pop album.

I could just as easily name a whole bunch of fox news people who annoy me. But instead, im opting to choose outside of politics. That said, I think it's actually Jimmy Fallon I can't stand. I don't know anything about his personal or political life, I just know that watching him frustrates me more than it should. I

Just came back from the movie. I think the movie never took itself too seriously and had a lot of fun, the actors have great chemistry and I, for the first time in my life, am now interested in Power Rangers. I'll probably see it again at the movies before I lose that chance!

I bought inFAMOUS: Second Son as it was on sale and I'd actually never heard of it, I'm having a lot of fun with it but I never finished Heavy Rain and now I am fighting the urge to stop playing infamous to play that :/

I can't believe this show that I dropped after episode 2 and then watched for white noise when I was sick is now one of my favourite god damn shows. They can make an episode about construction and I'll still be glued to the screen. (Though, admittedly, Archie and Jughead probably have a lot to do with that too) At

Minor question, but are the complaints against jennifer lawrence being in this about her personality, acting or both? Mostly just curious

So excited for this movie. It is my favourite book!

Right? I'm not even asking for false optimism, I enjoy the movies a lot but if the staff at the AV club don't that's perfectly fine - there's time for that in the *reviews*. Everytime I see an article on DC on this site now it's biased as hell and constantly trying it's hardest to trash it. Part of what drew me to

Not a fan of all of Whedons ideas but I have to admit, he can write damn good stories. Here's hoping he does well!

Even if it's not real, it's probably around right anyway. Like some have said, it's more about what you do with those 3 hours. I've been enjoying all the DC films thus far, even with their flaws (and I'm not too proud a fan to admit, there are lots - idk why so many fans can't just admit that there's a lot of ground

Someone in *that* crowd here, willing to attempt to answer/somewhat agree! In all honestly, I try to just be mindful in what I consume and give money to especially in terms of if a certain thing is perpetuating stereotypes, influencing job opportunities etc. Often times, this can misfire - and I've spent a lot of this

This trailer looks awful. I was bored the whole time, I loved the first trailer and am excited for the movie.. something about *this trailer* is just really bugging me. Anyways, I'm way more excited for Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2 and Wonder Woman - hopefully trailer 3 for spidey gets me excited like I want to be!

I'm SO EXCITED for this. Looks like it should be fun. Also, not showing Superman in the first trailer is a good call.

Do you perhaps…. enjoy superhero movies? In all seriousness, I love this list. Stardust is such a forgotten gem and I think people really undervalued Mockingjay part 2 - I thought it was the perfect conclusion. Also you could technically claim those marvel movies as Disney!