
Anyways full offense I think Revenge of the Sith is the best of the first 6 movies and for the most part was more insightful than 'bad'. I wanted to pick Civil War so bad for my 2016 but in my heart of hearts I knew it was not quite my top. We share 2002, and I love seeing Toy Story 3 there.

Someone who enjoys BvS!!! I knew there were others like me!! Love this list. Had the same for 2014 and omg Pleasantville is such a good movie, I chose Mulan over it but it was close.

There's a profound level of guilt in betraying certain movies that I adore here, but here's the list I think I landed on.

I've just caught up (Now I have to wait. Damnit.) and I have to say this was the first time Riverdale really wowed me with what it was capable of. That opening was just amazing and so relevant to the rest of the episode. Most of the acting was pretty great - Cheryl was good but in an episode like this and her still

I remember seeing the trailer for this a few times at the cinema and the only selling point to me was Nina Dobrev because I loved her Vampire Diaries work. This review is making me realise she's probably got like 5 minutes in it, tops.

I've been watching for the first time this year, and beyond this show becoming my new favourite show ever, I'd have to say I actually disagree with this review and what some are saying. Personally, This was one of the most thrilling episodes Mad Men delivered. I love the slow pace of this show and the fine detailed