Don’t forget the fact that Mookie Betts is a lights out bowler
Don’t forget the fact that Mookie Betts is a lights out bowler
Thanks for the nightmares, Deadspin.
Does irritable husband with no kids and 1/2 an MBA count?
I just assumed basketball in Australia looked like this:
Scrolling and reading 16 comments before finding something that you could make a pitiful joke about. Which exactly zero people felt compelled to star. Yeah, you lose. Keep trying though, it’s pretty adorable.
Given that my Cracked post was the 17th down on the list of my discussions, guessing it took you longer than 5 seconds. Just accept defeat and move on fella.
Says the guy who has time to be reading people’s commenting history on Deadspin and comparing Wikipedia entries of a journalist and a hockey player at 2:00PM on a Tuesday...
Yes, let the record show these men are white! Crucial point to convey the meaning of the story!
I never trust any scoop until Chris Broussard confirms it.
Is it just me or is Bellamere’s hit not nearly as bad as it appears? It looked like Bellamere was just going to ride him into the boards, but Orlov stops and ducks. Bellamere doesn’t extend his arms, and even pins his elbow against his own chest. The only time he extends his arm is to brace himself when he’s about to…
Wow, some of these scumbags have some James Bond-level gadgets to capture something something they could get on the internet in a 2 second Google search.
Completely agree. I was just being internet-y with my comment
There should be a law requiring this exact phrase to be pasted at the top of every website.
Well said
Just wait til November...
If someone ever pulls up my college essay on the importance of coinage during the reign of Justinian II, I’m fucked
The last few posts in this thread took a turn for rational, healthy, and intellectually stimulating.