Ours Blanc

I always love these lists because some vehicle will come up that I completely forgot how good it looked before. But I have to say, this would’ve been better if there was a before and after for each of these.

In 2017, I drove a fairly pristine 2004 Yukon SLT from south Florida to Dallas. Gas mileage was bad but it was a roomy, smooth, comfy ride.

Exactly. Chevron #309464 sounds made up, but that’s the only name I could find for a place with great tacos in Richardson, TX.

Even though we all know it, I was waiting for some acknowledgement that the best gas station food is at non-chain stations - with names most people haven’t heard of like Nonc Kev’s or Chevron #309464.

From what I hear, you can thank Jerry Jones for that.

In my Tacoma (and I think all newer Toyotas), if you hold down the button cruise button (instead of lust pushing once) it will turn off adaptive cruise and function like regular old cruise control.

Honda Pilot: ...decently put together, but drab, boring and full of buttons.

Hold on, this is a real person and not a NPC?

Honestly, it’s probably just knowledge. I need to do better to educate myself on their reliability, maintenance, charging station locations, and perhaps most importantly TCO.

I received a ticket for failing to stop before the white line at a stop sign. For context, it was 11 PM in the Texas panhandle, with no one within a couple miles. The cop was hiding in the pitch black to the left in the pic below.

Back in college, my best friend’s girlfriend had a Mirage (probably a ‘93 or ‘94) that was a manual. She let me drive a few times when we were all going to some place that I knew how to get there, and I remember it being fun as hell to drive. It was probably because it was so easy to shift gears I felt like I was some

I’m surprised Texas isn’t on here with the morbid streak of at least one highway death every single day since 11/7/00 (8674 days and counting).

I would like to add: if you’re going straight at a red light on a multi-lane street and there is zero to little traffic, don’t get in the right lane. Some people want to make that right on red, especially if you’re the only two cars around.

Just got back from a weekend trip (2.5 hour flight each way on AA), and somehow got some of the best airplane rest I’ve had in years. The sides of the headrest bent in way more than any I’ve had before, so it basically made a taco shell around my head. Of course, it helps that I’m short (5'6"ish) and the seats seemed

When someone says “Large American Sedans”, I think of my grandparents’ 1975 two-door LTD. It was a darker shade of brown, but this is close:

Now playing

I didn’t remember that until I read your comment, thanks for putting that back in my head.

Yeah, Beavis & Butthead was my first exposure to GWAR - probably 1993 or 1994.

And don’t forget Deadspin completely imploding over the course of what seemed like a few weeks. I know there was probably more lead up to it, but it seemed to come to a head when they banned 100+ users for calling out a writer for doing no research purely for the purpose of posting a short, snarky article.

When my mom decided to get HBO in 1990 (as a 15-year-old, I was very happy about that), this was on all the time and I loved it. It quickly became a favorite. About a year ago, I watched a chunk of it and was surprise that I still enjoyed it. Is it dumb? Absolutely. Do I have a fantastic ability to suspend disbelief?

Glenn’s death and the waterlogged zombie intestines on Hershel’s farm are the main two examples I use when talking about how ridiculous US standards and practices is. God forbid you show an areola though. Merica!