Ours Blanc

Over the last 3-4 years, my 2004 Yukon has experienced a few electrical issues - tire pressure sensor, dome light only comes on when unlocking with remote or manual dial (but not when opening the door), cruise control went out. But the most perplexing and oldest problem is the radio. It first started having issues in

I don’t remember which comedian (thinking Kevin Pollack maybe) years ago said something like, “For all of our safety, there should be a special lane for drunk drivers. Just one single lane. Not one way, but for both directions to share.”

Exactly. I had a co-worker who was a HUGE Star Wars fan (he had a room dedicated to still-in-the-package action figures, and his wife was cool with all that too). He downloaded the trailer at work, then not only emailed it out to everyone in the department but burned copies to CDs for all of us to take home.

Considering the sarminess of some of this article, I’m with you and hoping it was a joke.

It’s bad enough that a couple of these trims look like the Tundra, but now the prices do too.

wouldn’t let me pay for it

LA not L.A.

But is the popular business, with its cult-like following, teasing us about a future Michigan location? Some are speculating that the billboard is an elusive way to put the state on notice of an impending Buc-ee’s.

The son of a powerful ambassador, Damien ascends, throughout the series, all the way to his father’s former post.

I’ve told this one before, but here goes. Back in spring 2022, I found a used 2021 Tacoma with very low mileage and a “NO HASSLE PRICE” of $36,990. I contacted the dealer through their website. After speaking with a sales rep to confirm the “NO HASSLE PRICE” was legit before making the ~45 minute drive, we roughly

Well, I guess a saltwater well could be a possibility. I just assumed it was freshwater since I’m not sure the use of a saltwater well.

OK, I know nothing about water tables on tiny atolls in the middle of the ocean, but I want to know more about the well. I mean, it’s wild that an island that small could have enough fresh water for a well. Or maybe it’s just there’s a spring in a mountain that peaks out the ocean? Or rainwater? I’m genuinely curious.

That’s an excellent point. I last saw it decades ago, but it’s kind of forgotten given his films since. And actually my first thought when I read the question posed, I would’ve said High Plains Drifter was Eastwood’s first.

Amen. I can’t tell you how happy I was when I figured out how to turn off the adaptive cruise on my Tacoma. 

Save for Oppenheimer and The Sound Of Freedom, last year’s 10 highest-grossing movies released domestically were all sequels, remakes, or based on a preexisting franchise.

I wish there would’ve been a Bakula cameo, but not obvious to Ben. Maybe he would be a background character who realizes Ben is another leaper, but he conflicted about revealing himself (maybe he thinks Ben’s an evil leaper or working with him might screw up one his previous leaps).

I came across Smokin’ Aces the other day, and it made realize Chris Pine should try more odd or just plain weird roles*. I’m not saying Poolman will be good, but I’m willing to give it a try.

I almost missed it. I don’t know about you, but I seldom read the first slide (and not much beyond the list). I went back only to see if Oldboy was mentioned.

That was my first thought too, but then I read the first slide. He mentions it along with Kill Bill and John Wick and states this list is