Ours Blanc

I don’t think it’s very surprising that nearly half of these are Best New Artist awards. Even though the issue might be some artists weren’t “new” at the time, hindsight can definitely make new artists seem surprising or even overrated when you look back and their career might have fallen off after the Grammy.

Great piece. I tried to see it with my sons (they bought the tickets three weeks in advance). But thanks to the heat in Dallas and rolling brown out, the power went out about 45 minutes into the movie. Even though it came back after ~10 minutes, a power outage seems to be similar to a crash for a projector. We were

Only if you’re not pumping gas or the place is extremely busy.

This might fall into the filter answer, but I remember when I was a kid hearing someone say that sediment (in the underground storage tank) could cause slow pumps - either recently stirred up when it was refilled or the level getting low.

I saw this one yesterday, where the motorcyclist topped out around 170 in his video. I’m assuming it was from the Garden of the Gods I-25 exit to south Denver, because go from the actual park area to downtown in 20 minutes would mean averaging around 210.

It’s basically a reverse Tron, 40+ years later.

You’re seriously using screenshots from old videos uploaded to Youtube?

Even more shocking, I think they’re supposed to be in high school or just graduated.

I haven’t watched this yet, but my first thought was “oh no, do they have to travel the Highway of Tears?” Glad the map shows them skipping BC.

I’ve never heard a positive opinion of the Citation, but I’ll always go to bat for it. My mom got an ‘82 after my parents divorced - it was the first car she ever bought entirely on her own, and she still talks fondly of it.

I know it’s a requirement for you to do this, but I’d really love to know the corporate thinking behind “our engagement numbers will be higher with 28 slides instead of a long scroll of 28 paragraph/picture combos”. At least in my case, very few of your Spanfeller ads are hitting my eyes because I look at the first

I agree with the sentiment, but I would prefer shorter episodes. Instead of eight 75-minute episodes, how about 12 episodes about 45 minutes?

I am both shocked and thankful this wasn’t a 110 page slide show.

Now playing

One of my favorites from the past few years:

Yeah I was thinking that too, but the graphics on the door gave me specific memories of so many trucks around 91-92. And really that whole blue/purple/turquoise palette reminds of the late 80s to the late 90s, especially makes me think of almost all major sports expansion teams from.

Makes me think of one my favorite movies as a kid:

Wait, the Ford Explorer Sport came in colors besides red? I swear every single one I saw over the last 20 years were red.

Did some spec comparisons to my ‘22 SR5 (double cab, 6' bed), and the interior is interesting. It’s 2.5" wider externally but about an inch narrower inside. And the leg room is the same overall but they took an inch from the front and gave it to the back seat.

He’s very similar to Maverick - either refuses promotion or gets into enough trouble to avoid it, just so he can stay in the action.

First thing I thought of was climate control, but Bongo has the one and only answer.