Ours Blanc

I can’t imagine having experienced so many near rear-end crashes that camping out in the right lane is a necessity because of one or two other cars on the road. I’m sorry you’ve had so many close calls. 

The obvious answer is trucks built normal size people, but I also kind of miss the bench seat.

I guess I missed this one, but one of my biggest pet peeves is people on multi-lane roads that pull up to a red light in the right lane when they aren’t turning. I get it if there’s traffic and a bunch of cars in the other lanes, but I get irritated when there’s no one else around and you decide to hold up anyone else

BUT WHAT IS IT?!?!? My guess was salsa but we’ll never know.

Putting up a show that’s already happened is probably a step up from the summary panel they used to have in the SNL reviews as recently as a year ago. It listed the cast from ~2010.

You mention New Zealand when talking about per country, but I find it weird that Australia/Oceania isn’t mentioned by The Drive or Hedges & Company. And somehow, H&C has NZ (#1) and Australia (#6) in the national per capita rankings but doesn’t include them in the continental listing.

Glad someone else recognizes the greatness of Love at First Bite.

I always thought of it as he recognizes the bait, so he’s looking elsewhere for the threat - specifically the large dune ahead to his left.

My daughter (who just got her permit) has always hated the planeness of this TX one. And there’s this LA plate too.

Yeah, they decided on this when the three guys go out to get Blair in the shed, they realize he/the thing has escaped. MacReady says something like “none of us are getting out of here alive” and “it wants to freeze so a rescue team will find it”. That’s when they decide to try to burn the thing up by torching the

Maybe not a sequel, but the Klowns are still hanging around:

Yeah, the Lumina has plenty of room for the whole team. Hell, when I was a kid my mom fit me and five friends in her Chevy Citation hatchback just by putting the backseat down.

Yes it sure was. That was my first trip to Omaha. I was in the front row of the outfield bleachers for the championship, but in left field.


Yeah, and basically all of south LA - anything south of Alexandria.

Driving to Omaha for the College World Series in 1996. I took the night shift since I’m a night owl. Around 2AM in the middle of Kansas, a rain storm comes through and cranks visibility down to about 15'. I decide to push through basically driving between idle and ~10 mph. At one point I see nothing but grass in

I didn’t see it anywhere in the article, so here are the recalls:

I’m dumbfounded. How are Rocky IV (best) and Rocky V (worst) missing from this list?

I know. Talking about leaving you audience wanting more.