
High probability that there’s a Garth Brooks tape in the radio.

Honda put music in the truck bed nearly seven years ago, and it's rattle-proof.  Nice try, Taco!

Oh yes, a plastic edged speaker on the plastic dash. This will never rattle.

I fly United and Southwest and honestly I’ve had more issues on Untied flights than I ever had on a Southwest flight. The most I ever had to deal with was having a person get air sick on my SW flight but other than that in seven years never had an issue.

The ratio of people who want to hear your music to the ratio of those that don’t is not favorable for the bluetooth speaker crowd.

Pro Tip: Take out the speaker, fill gap with jelly beans.

I really like Southwest as well and I don’t understand the haters. Unless you’ve got high level status, are rich, or lucky, pretty much every carrier these days is just operating a bus that flies. At least Southwest doesn’t nickel-and-dime you for the privilege, and is relatively humane about their booking policies.

Yeah that happened to me once.  I immediately got out of the car and informed the sniper that if he got out of his car in that spot, he was taking a trip to the hospital.  He moved his car.

After he got out and started walking away, but before he got out of sight, I would have moved my car. Just for spite.

“No one is above an ass whuppin’”

We’ve all had someone snipe the parking spot we’re CLEARLY waiting for, but this is another level- a level not unlike the time I pulled in to park in a tight spot, needed to reconfigure to not block in my neighbors, and as I pulled out the car across from me started to pull forward to take my spot as a pull-through. I

WTF is wrong with people? I fly mostly Southwest because I like the flexibility in cancelling and rescheduling and the free checked bags. People shit on SW for their seating policies, but on my last four Delta flights I had to kick 3 people out of my assigned seats. One guy tried to tell me his daughters REALLY wanted

I hope somebody stole his seat when he got up to take a piss. 

Some people just need to get beat up once in a while to give their Narcissisms a check. Though I am glad it ended peacefully.

People always act like super low-mileage older cars are these perfect jewels, but I would much rather have an older car with miles on it than something that’s sat in one spot for the last two decades getting chewed on by rats and slowly deteriorating.

go away it rules. 

Udot has been sliding bridges around like crazy the last few years, they are getting pretty good at it.  It’s probably a joke in many places these days, but they say there are 2 seasons in Utah - Winter and Construction.

And a “Heartbeat of America” decal across the top of the windshield.

There’s no way that TV install isn’t factory - no custom could have such attention to detail and dedication to using only the finest materials and workmanship.