
It’s still a couple hundred bucks when you compare a shitty ass $100-150 tire vs a good brand name $200 tire.

If it’s not a vehicle you buy for the performance, why is BMW making such a big deal about it being their most powerful production car ever? And if it is a vehicle you buy as a rolling fashion statement, why is it perhaps the ugliest BMW out of a generation of recent very ugly BMWs?

...It’s only a flagship because their marketing department says it is. BMW themselves offer SUVs that look better, go faster, sound better, etc. for a fraction of this thing’s ridiculous price. The only thing it symbolizes is stupidity. If I see someone driving this, I won’t be going “ooo, they must be rich or

You really earning that BMW guerilla marketing paycheque all over this thread.

Not only does it have a pig nose, but now it looks like a pig that did too much coke and has a nose bleed.

Seconded. That was a weird take, like saying “I’d rather sleep with Selena than with you” as if it was a putdown.

They’re not doubling down on that a-hole grille, this is like sextupling down.

“Most powerful ever”

Just putting this here…

Yes, I would take a Citroen XM over so many cars.

Ok then.

Munich claims this is good for a 3.7-second 0-60 time

I thought exactly that when I saw the picture. And it’s the very first comment. Well done!

Now playing

TH made a very good point. This is what happens when BMW wants to make a X8 M70e and the marketing department is like “we have a ‘better’ idea”. It’s slower, more expensive, has less interior space, looks worse, has a worse stereo, etc. than an X5/6 Comp. It’s completely pointless and not in a good way. You could buy

Just when I didn’t think it could get any uglier....

Saturday Night Live.

WTF is this from?  It’s hilarious.

Plenty of high performance cars available on Turo, but that doesn’t mean everyone will beat it like they want to destroy it.

Part of me is thinking that teacher is an asshole, but another part is thinking when you rent a performance car to anyone, and you honestly think they won’t be at on it. You are a moron.