
The top is hideous.

Funny... I’m getting really tired of every new car coming across the headlines being an unattainable supercar by anyone with a carbon fiber autoclave in their garden shed, trying to sell million dollar vaporware.

Am I doing this right..?

Yes. You can. Well done. 

Your tired that an enthusiast website bitches about the 100 million moms dictating the car market? Don't lay that blame here.

My favorite so far.

Getting real tired of every new car being a goddamn crossover. 

I’ve been staring at the lede image for the past 10 minutes trying to formulate an interesting opinion on this car...good or bad...and all I’ve managed to come up with so far is “I really like the blue color”.

Sure, but I actually put my money where my mouth is and bought a brand new wagon. I represent the small but real demand that’s out there. Also, I said I can appreciate them filling that segment. It’s an obviously popular segment. But I think the rear styling is terrible and the overall styling could look a lot better

I can totally appreciate filling a niche, especially when it’s one as popular as “compact crossover.” I just wish there was less demand for a high driving position and ground clearance that will never be used. Imagine a Tesla Model 3 wagon. Sure it’d sell poorly; but it would probably be a better vehicle, and one I’d

I’m going to the Toronto autoshow at the weekend, if this car is there I’m going to put on my best deadpan face and ask sincerely if they’ve been making this exact same model for 50 years....

I knew someone who hated her ex-boyfriend’s family and how they treated her, so at his sister’s wedding she put herself right in the middle of the family photos so they couldn’t crop her out when she dumped the guy.

Id be insulted by the fake GTR to begin with. By why are they using a Dreamcast to render the car?

Darek went to the Chicago Auto Show because, duh, cars, and spotted the striking blue GT-R—a rare 50th Anniversary Edition— at the Nissan booth.

Retire this video, it will never be more relevant than this exact post.

must have just come back from the bathroom, they have one of those Magic Eye posters in there

Couldn’t they at least have photoshopped the person in front of the car instead of 10 feet away?

“I wish dad were still alive!”

Looks ok to me.