
And this is why most people hate people that do this.

Fun fact: all unicycles are AWD.

This is not technically correct. Full time awd does in fact help you turn and stop in winter conditions compared to the same vehicle that is just 2wd.

Just remember kids, if the going get tough, AWD or 4WD wont help you turn or stop in any condition. You need the correct TIRES for that maneuver. Crashes happen because you cant control the projection or speed of your vehicle. AWD or 4WD only help you hurt yourself at a higher speed if you have the wrong tires. Get

So...There is no car?

Visit a Kia dealership and then go to ANY luxury dealership and then tell me you are really going to fork over that much money to Kia. Even if the Kia is a better car, you have to ask yourself which dealer is going to treat you right during and after the sale. I’m here to tell you it ain’t Kia....

I think the biggest issue was lack of advertising in the US. I didn’t even know they existed until Doug Demuro made his video, and I’m a Kia fan.

I’ve tried explaining this to my friends back east with their AWD cars that it doesn’t mean shit if you have AWD when you have shitty tires. My open-diff, FWD little Civic on Firestone Winterforce’s was way less stressful to drive than my Ex’s CR-V on allseasons. Yea it sucks how expensive they are (which is why you

Feed it leaves to make it sound like a Harley!

BFG did offer to replace his tires.... its buried somewhere in those 4.500+ replies/comments... 

Totally anecdotal, but the number of drug dealers has dropped massively in response to legalizing.

For anyone on the fence about whether legal weed will work in your state, I can tell you as a non-pot-smoker that Washington State is just fine with a legal market. Aside from the more-frequent smell of pot smoke in public places, there’s no sign of hippies all over the place or kids dropping out of high school. In


Look, I get people being disappointed. I can even understand, to a certain extent, people being angry. No one was expecting, nor did anyone ask for, a Diablo mobile game. I think Blizzard is at times a little full of itself...high on their own supply, if you will. I don’t think they’re “out of touch”,

Other than “juvenile delinquency” and “early behavior problems”, the list exactly matches our pathologically lying, racist, dictator-groveling president. As if that outcome is any surprise.

Alright, gut reaction passed...

Truth is stranger than fiction.

I really felt like this was a whole ‘NPC’ troll in waiting.

Judging by personal experience: I’m guessing this letter writer is either a junior in high school or an art student. (Edit: Sorry, “fading memory of university,” former art student.)

So this was a letter written by a troll just to get on the site, right? Like, nobody could seriously write like this and believe it, right?