
I can about guarantee that someone will quickly figure out how to hack the device storage and load ROMs on their own. Imagine, an HDMI output NES with the entire game library onboard...

Trust me, as someone who grew up in that world, it is unfortunately entirety true. And in case you were wondering, I no longer live in that world.

Alright Mr. Homeschooled dude, take some notes - from a guy who also grew up wanting to court-not-date, marry my first girlfriend, not kiss until marriage, and yes, I was homeschooled from preschool through 12th grade in a Baptist household. I got engaged to another homeschooled girl at age 18, the first girl I ever

Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen him since the PRI show in December...

The irony that this happened while the person was listening to the traffic report is astounding.

Owning 90's Mitsubishi’s is something of a chronic disease - once you own one, you won’t be able to stop yourself from wanting more.

Reading this made my day significantly worse.

Meh, if they’re footing part of the bill for the video, I’ll drink just about anything you put in my hand.

Really? Finishing in the top 10 in the world several years in a row at WRC Mexico isn’t good enough? You have not a freaking clue why he quit WRC

Part of me is glad it takes a lot of work to get the above results. It separates the lazy screenarchers who just want to impress their friends from the people who do it because they love the game and are essentially breathing new life into it. So no, nothing worth having is easy, especially configuring an entire

I sincerely hope they did their patent drawing in the most ridiculous fashion imaginable while keeping the relevant details in place, as a sort of patent camouflage.

A Talon that hasn’t received the Fast & Furious treatment? Worth all the monies.

Looks like a Richard Rawlings deal if I ever saw one.

All I’m seeing is that Peru is more “Murican” than America.

I’ve never seen a retard developmentally disabled individual drift a bike like that before.

I spent hours watching my middle school best friend play Morrowind and have since adored anything with exploration, crafting, and unscripted combat. I also quickly learned to love puzzle and stealth games, and on a completely unrelated note, racing games. Hence, my favorites list includes The Elder Scrolls (all of

So how will the Supreme Leader get his cake?

The Koenigsegg. Because unlike Bugatti, who has one of the largest car companies in the world backing them and still did not produce anything new or advanced in the Chiron (I’m going to henceforth refer to it as the Veyron Post Op) the Regera is advancing hybrid tech and introducing exciting new ways to think of

At least it is significantly nicer to look at.

That’s not just any plane...that’s a Boeing 747. Specifically, a 747-238B first flown in 1975 for Qantas then later flown by United from 1991-2003. Why is this important you say? Because I was born in 1991 and do ground handling for United at my local airport. Coincidence? I THINK NOT.