
A few weeks ago, I was in a class for work, and we had a catered in lunch. The girl sitting next to me said, “Oh, I hope they have something gluten free.” I responded with “Oh, you have Celiac disease?” To which she replied, “No, I’m just kindof intolerant. Like if I eat gluten, I get bad heartburn.”

So you’re misogynistic AND homophobic...I’m so glad we all know where you stand now.

What, you can’t spell Charger correctly? Are you just too lazy to care about how a car’s name is spelled? Maybe you aren’t a real “automotive enthusiast”.

And because she is a woman, every mistake must mean she slept with someone to get the job...awesome. And we wonder why there are so few female gearheads, because clearly we are all considerate stand up people.

Don’t take the other commenter’s criticism to heart. Everyone thinks they are perfect on the internet and 100% qualified to nitpick everyone else.

Silver. Definitely silver. And $10k high might be generous, I’d say $15k high.

I used to detail the used car inventory for a living at multiple different dealerships in Grand Rapids. You name it, I’ve seen it all.

I will still mourn the closing of the “Normal Plant”...due to it being the birthplace of every DSM in North America.

Am I the only one who actually thinks this looks rather cool?

Lopey as can be...

Stage Rally hands down.

Congratulations. You have become THAT GUY on the internet.


This and the Aero changes are by far the hugest areas for gains. It’s going to be a blast to watch.

First car I ever drove that had a row-your-own was a brand new 2010 Mustang GT, in the parking lot of the Ford Dealership I worked for at the time. I never told anyone I didn’t know how to drive stick, and they didn’t know I drove it. I knew the concept, and made it work. Fast forward 6 years and the only cars in my

This just made my day.

The part where the focus became on the driver is the part where he drove off after hitting someone.


Like Rally Whangarei in New Zeeland, run on WRC stages, which he won this year? Or finishing in the top 10 at WRC Mexico three years in a row? He never claims to be the best in the world, but he ain’t no slouch. No evidence supports your ignorant claims.

LoL at all the keyboard warrior Ken Block haters who don’t know a thing about how racing works.