JT Dawwg

Youre right lol, work kind of prevented me from fixing it.

Rudys dad with a dash of Hank Hill:

You know who else hates shameless ad plugs in completely unrelated threads?

The slap was the final deal sealed. Now for the long sail for shipping reality.

This. Fucking. Episode. My god when I tell u i was smiling cheek to cheek the whole time, it is a rare feat even for a show as great as this. Kristen Schaal nailed a whopper on this one, seeing our little Louise growing up has been a freaking journey, and Bob and Teddy doing the Kid n Play is seriously the loudest ive

You have no idea how confused I was seeing new episodes recorded the last two days. Wish I saw your comment before!

Its so aggravating how CN casually dumps AT with little ceremony, but I really liked both eps. Its really impressive how Fern feels like a complex character with depth all in 22 mins. Doctor Princess NEEDS more screentime, her and Nurse Poundcake have been in the forgotten shed for so long.

I haven't seen that yet, but at least with Dini he's got a good track record with his projects, so all is forgiven.

Also remember that Paul Dini, one of the DCAU founding fathers is a writer for Ultimate Spider Man. I'd much rather take this crazy show over that mess anyday.

That's what I loved about JL, in fact one of my fav eps was the Christmas one, no fighting (besides GL and Hawkgirl), just the cast enjoying their day off.

That's a fair point, even though I do like the pacing since it feels more spontaneous than other animated sup shows. 11 mins with this manic show should be fun and straight to the point.

I've been craving a Justice League reboot forever, and this is a nice approach away from the gritty DC movies (which try WAY too hard to look edgy and adult). Conroy is THE Batman, animated Batman without his voice is not Bats to me.

So glad to see Fleabag on the list, the six eps were all great but I can only imagine if it had 10 or more. Still a stellar season from a little gem.

I normally don't watch Supergirl, but felt it was a good time to really start watching it because of the crossover. None of it was mentioned til the last 5 mins.

It's amazing how powerless she feels in her own show yet completely invulnerable on another one.

I'm a Felicity guy all the way, but personally I never did buy her and Oliver. Something about them romantically just felt off to me.

Being this is the CW with the numerous gay relationships going on, wouldn't be too surprised.

Damn what a way to kick things off. That chase sequence with Kara and Barry was amazing, I see where the entire budget went to in this arc. The alien designs are kinda generic, and ALL the heroes falling for that trap was pretty stupid, but we had some cool ass sequences and more Barry Flashpoint angst porn.

I felt a little whiplash with the Molisse and Zuke/Florido eps, mainly because of the animation differences, plus Zuke eps tend to be faster paced.

Yeahhehheh fryman!