JT Dawwg

It's just great to have SU back at a time like this, and Dave Willis was a great choice for Andy (my ATHQ wounds still haven't healed yet, sniffs). Steven dissecting the pumpkin was intentionally made to be gross, but that imagery I'm sure left a few people shaking.

Oh man, Jericho was such a fucking delight in that final segment,and easily WWE MVP with his character work. Orton & Strowman was a surprisingly good little stand-off coupled with Bray's promo, with Ellsworth as the perfect punching bag for jokes galore,

The thing with last season compared to this season was a tighter & more consistent narrative, even though it sort of watered down near the end. This season may fall victim to the same beast, but even more since it was election season.

'Member Isaac Hayes?

I agree that they rushed out an ep that was half-baked and cluttered, and even by post-election eps it was maybe the weakest.

It was definitely a rough ep, but I give Parker & Stone all the credit in the world for churning out and rewriting such a big episode after a traumatic election.

**Awkward slap fight ensues**

I found this ep a little too…. basic. Although Bob's has done incredible things with the simplest of premises, this ep gave me a couple laughs, and had little going for it with me being invested in it.

That thumbnail alone is a plus in my books. It's a shame seeing this show sort of flounder around, it would work so much better if it was a Netflix show with much more creative reign or even for cable. Let the show go full-out weird and odd, enough of this sitcom-y format. Let the characters be flawed dicks, Archer

Joe's cop out to the DA's date was such a classic Barry move.

This was some of the must fun I've had watching this show. Where do I start, Wells and Cisco trying to one-up each other on names, Miller shined with the little he was in the ep, Barry's awkward apology when he was stuck in the mirror.

Ray not realizing his attraction for her was oddly adorable.

I hope this show avoids another Ray "will they or won't they" subplot. I kept getting those vibes with him and Vixen.

Being the boy scout he is, I bet that was a dream come true.

It's a weird love/hate thing with Darvill, at least with me. On one hand, the material he's given is usually underwhelming, and his acting can get a bit shallow, on another he's one of my favorites when it comes to action scenes or a teary-eyed monologue.

I enjoyed bits and pieces of this ep, but it felt a little too hallow for me. The score at the beginning was INCREDIBLY annoying, I get it they're awesome, they're a great team, but damn that was too much.

B-but Wendy's note to Dipper! It's not over! It can't be!

I don't know why, but now I'm picturing Brock Samson playing "dum dum tiss" on the drums.

Onion was probably the one last anomaly since the show's beginnings, and this was a nice change of direction. Makes sense that Onion would feel alone with all the talking normies at Beach City, but at least he has his merry band of misfits.

The cuckheads who dismiss and criticize everyone including the show's boarders and writers need a wall built around them. Cut away from society. Forever.