JT Dawwg

The instant transition from Stuck Together to the Trial was like whiplash.

I imagine that White Diamond is like some sort of ambassador, except instead of treaties and handshakes it's all death and warzones.

The Evangelion geek in me approves.

The red sapphire had more screentime (she was awesome too!) but I'm glad seeing some love for Blue Pearl.

Garnet/Topaz would be amazing. She'd finally have a fusion buddy!

The sunlight and bright palette definitely surprised me, I really like the clean, bright dystopian look of it.


The music on "The Trial" was fantastic, especially during that scene.

I still can't get over the fact that Lars fucking died onscreen.

I could see it being Pearl, she always seemed very willing to do whatever it took, but she was always loyal to Rose. If Rose swore to never kill, Pearl would never do it either.

When Steven's done saving the world from Homeworld, he should definitely look into a career in fitness training. Look at Coach Steven, he's a natural!

As a guy who's seen Stuck Together maybe half a dozen times in the last month, this shit was everything I expected but even more. It's been quite a while since the show's had a lore-heavy series this amazing, and it did so much but left many questions unanswered.

I always wished (especially after Avatar) of Samurai Jack concluding with a TV movie. With a show this dense filled with lore and amazing visuals, itd be a beautiful sendoff tying all the loose ends with the huge "back to the past" plot being answered.

A solid A- in my books, namely for Scaramouche's ultimate sacrifice (RIP.) Ive been loving this season, but this is where 10 22 min eps isnt the best move to make. The first half was good (I approve of Jashi), but obviously shit picked up with Aku. Risky move playing it so slow on your second to last ep, but we got

Lars is always a tough act to really engage with, but I enjoyed seeing him trying to break out his bubble. Its great seeing an actual hobby of his, complete with Sadie talking to somebody besides her mom, Steven and Lars.

I enjoyed this ep, really one of the best ones of the season (which honestly is a low bar now), but Gustin actually getting to play Arrow-early season 1 Barry was a nice touch, but amnesia stories are a shit trope with laziness written all over it.

Im gonna miss that irregularly-shaped rage filled mofo side of Jack, but it was a beautiful and wild trip getting there.

I love it when Jon B gets to use some of his manic Archer-style delivery every now and then with Bob, it comes off as the most genuine and endearing character moments, and both eps were classics in unique ways.

This was a trippy, fun ep all around, I always welcome Sharpling as a regular ol' talking dog anyday when he's not singing ballads with those crazy gems from afar. Haven't seen Elements yet, but considering how great Islands (and Stakes to a lesser extent), I have a feeling it'll be a horrifying and beautiful ride

Pearl Mackie was an absolute delight this episode, two episodes in and I enjoy her more than Clara's first full season with Capaldi (those eps were pretty shaky to begin with). She's charming, intelligent, has plenty pathos to boot (something I felt Clara lacked a bit), and meshes better with Peter.