JT Dawwg

"Oh hi Marshallow."
"Hey baby."

Bob: "No, no, please stop chanting that."

That was awkward, and really it made the scope of the scene very hallow. You got Mick beating his ass with his fists (giggity), and Sara using her staff against him.

Teenage angst= ratings & totally priceless

Supergirl loses entire CGI budget due to move to CW

Choking him and snapping his neck was such a badass Sara moment.

I was hoping for a more Hank Hill shriek, but Bobby will do.

Also squealed like a pig then. And damn was it worth it.

too bad his other hundred+ deaths were offscreen.

Tries flying during gun battle, promptly gets shot down.

Such a copout moment there. I knew better but suckered in at the last second.

Ray's best moment on the entire show is escorting Mick from a bust- wearing a black ski mask. Dude reads his comics.

Definitely a Mick line.

Kendra and Carter: lol we had fun guys, but we just lost our evil soulmate, and plus destiny destiny timey wimey bullshit. Peace!

And even better, Savage dies three times!

In his first act of godly duty, our savior Lord Snart granted us NO MORE FUCKING HAWKS FOR NEXT SEASON! PRAISE THE COLD!!

First thing he does once alive: eat a shit-ton of cupcakes

Starchy winning the gravedigger (wearing a tux even!) award was so cute, hilarious and sad all at once.

Please have a scene with Lapis running into Greg by accident and he yells out

Long as pissed off Lapis unleashes her fury at something, I'm satisfied.