JT Dawwg

AKA Lapis at her most depressed state, always slugging around the house wearing sweatpants & watching Planet Earth.

Lapis' hair in some scenes especially looked huge.

I freaking loved this one. Lapis, being a favorite of mine gets screen time, and it doesn't hurt having Steven along for the ride. The expressions and animation were beautiful, I love the stylized look with the flashbacks, and Zach Calliston was on fire with his performance.

Any ep that ends with Tina crab-walking during an exhibition is fine with me.

While you're at it, give him a week's stay at Newgeneland.

"The power of Christ compels you!"

Meh it was a pretty loose ep. I liked the main plot but thought the Camp plot was starting to go somewhere, but sorta stagnated a bit.

Good thing Tina & Jericho have a budding relationship compared to Bob…

Tina's horse Jericho is what I'd view as her burgeoning puberty, her truest expressions and ultimate sense of freedom and confidence. With Plops, she lost that creativity and was given good ol salty reality, which reality and Tina just don't mix.

Damn it doctor, this is no time for references! Our beloved Mike is going to die! Save him with your beauty shots!

Fully convinced he'll return, maybe at the tailend of S3, possibly cured with some "help"

Seriously depressing stuff. Mike's dying wish for Phil to leave got me a little misty-eyed.

Holy fuckness what an episode. I'm not used to LMoE with its more dramatic moments, but this exceeded on every level and left on a super high note.

Beavis & Butthead. Huge fan of Mike Judge's work, and maybe because of its Gen X ideology, but I could never get into it. The main characters are pretty insufferable, and shows like South Park handle satire much better.

Ahhh great point, looking back it's amazing how studded the cast was for Flapjack, and how most of the crew later worked for AT, then branched out to other ventures.

Damn, can't believe I overlooked Herpich like that, quite the accomplishment having those eps under your belt.

LSP x Banana Guy must now be a thing.

Of course Lemongrab decides to call quits over food being on a blanket. Highlight of the ep for sure.

Whaaaat, Jesse's leaving the show? Dude was leaps n bounds my favorite storyboarder, and this ep was one of his finest.

Great ep starring my favorite dickhead character, and yes I'm talking bout Tiny Manticore. "Normal" Man's arc has been stellar, although it'll be a huge void without MM and Tom Kenny providing the right balance of wit and wise-ass smug.