JT Dawwg

Complete with everyone holding on to Bob as they feel their way out.

Once again Bob's has another great holiday episode. Im actually surprised Louise of all the Belcher kids still believes in Santa, the way her cerebral mind works. Their ploy to get on the nice list was frickin' adorable, culminating in a huge Ice-Capade musical- with interpretative skating!

Meh, pretty pedestrian ep to an otherwise great season of Who. I was thinking the hardass chick would be the culprit, but nah, we'll take the most interesting of the bunch and yada yada chase scene, final Doctor monologue, end.

Thats why I hate giving the vague comparison, when I first watched it I went "Ah, Vice City Archer" (80s), but after a couple eps, you warm up to the charcaters, and it gets a sense of identity.

I dont think you'll be disappointed. Its a bit much with comparing, but if you like Frisky Dingo or Archer, give it a try.

This was great. Didn't have much of a plot, but man this was nonstop funny, the funniest ep Ive seen so far. Forte as Rad is treasured gold, there should be a compilation of Rad quotes after Season 1, cuz fuck, where do I begin?

Really, again with this?

Completely agree. I love Gumball about as much I love AT & SU, but it never gets the same accolades or the attention.

For some odd reason, "The Matchmaker" blew me away with its fluid animation. Sure Wander always has stellar movements, but man the opening scene especially was pretty eye-opening. What can I say, "The Matchmaker" was meta at its best, poking at their timing and uses of its basic title cards to even Syl and Wander's

Better they show it in mid-November than late Jan.
-Your Local Critic

If I develop a crush on you for inexplicably no reason, beware. Oh wait, you're my dad. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooo….

Bob's always hit the mark at Thanksgiving, and this was no exception. This is a solid A to me, everything flowed right and it was nonstop hilarious, from Linda freaking out having to cook the turkey, to Gale running out of nowhere despite her "injury."

I love me a Lisa-Homer episode, this was far from their best together, but was rly good and is a shining light to a decent season so far. At first I couldnt stand Lisa (didnt help I started watching the latter seasons) since she was such a smart-ass who thought she was a vegan Buddha.

Well, in BMO's lenses Football is all real, yet no one else sees it, so I'm calling it a metaphor on BMO acting out his frustrations.

The possible culmination of BMO's mental odyssey, this episode was plain fucking cerebral. BMO's facial expressions were top-notch in this one, and the moments where Finn & Jake try to reconcile and reason with "Football" was pretty gut-wrenching, poor guy is almost always alone while its brothers go on long

Upvote for mentioning Time Sandwich, one of my favorite AT episodes.

This. Jake does seem to have a tweaked redesign, which I'm really liking since it's close to his older look. The music in particular is always a highlight, creates whatever mood effectively.

Casually fires Finn & Jake from knighhood.

Legit one of the weirder moments out of AT. Maybe we'll get more out of it?

Not the deepest meaning life-study episode, but it was nice, straightforward. and had great moments from everyone involved.